In the third season of The Golden Girls, we have a better understanding of who the girls are as individuals; now we learn about their concerns and life experiences. Rose worries about nuclear war, Dorothy wants more compatible friendship, Blanche wishes to be closer to her favorite daughter, and Sophia wants to make new friends. How much detail do you know about how the girls handled these topics? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.
When the girls learn Uncle Hingablotter's Baby is a pig, Rose is over the moon, but Dorothy and Blanche are against taking care of him. After talking to Uncle Hingablotter's legal counsel, Dorothy and Blanche eagerly approve. What does he say that changes their minds?
Which Golden Girl suggested that President Jimmy Carter was referring to her when he admitted he'd secretly lusted in his heart?
Rose's beau Al retires from the deli business and unfortunately becomes a boring couch potato. After Rose confronts him about doing more with his life and pursuing his dreams, he makes a bold decision and spends his entire life savings on a boat. What does he ask Rose?
TRUE OR FALSE: According to Rose, the people of St. Olaf celebrate the 4th of July with a thin omelet on a bun.
Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose swoon over Laszlo, the Hungarian artist at the museum where Blanche works. After attending a lecture by him on modern sculpture, which Golden Girl said, "I'd like to help him mold his clay or buff his marble anytime"?
Dorothy's son Michael makes a surprise visit and announces he's getting married to Lorraine, a woman who sings in his band. Before Dorothy can recover from the shock of the news, Michael says there's something to know about Lorraine before meeting her. What is it?
Which Golden Girl said her biggest fear in the world is glossophobia (fear of public speaking)?
Which Golden Girl once worked at the restaurant Pecos Pete's Chow Wagon?
After Sophia's boyfriend Rocco tells her he robbed a bank because he loves her, she sadly tells him he's not the man for her. What does Rocco confess to Sophia?
The girls agree to help Rose take care of Baby the pig. After he suddenly collapses one day, Rose calls the vet to examine him. The vet doesn't think Baby has much time left, and suggests that he may be dying of homesickness. What does the doctor recommend for Baby to regain his health?
After a month of shopping for an evening gown to wear to the museum banquet, Dorothy finally finds the perfect dress. Unfortunately, when Blanche reveals the dress she's wearing, the girls now have a dilemma. What is it?
Rose is restless and can't sleep one night, so she makes a batch of sparhuven krispies, an ancient Scandinavian midnight snack. Dorothy and Blanche are disgusted by the smell. Rose says they're delicious, you just have to know how to eat them. How does she explain eating this snack?
After realizing that Marguerite is not a good fit as their housekeeper, the girls reluctantly agree to fire her. Blanche says Dorothy should do it because she's the meanest. Rose disagrees and says Dorothy just looks the meanest. What does Dorothy say about Rose?
Which Golden Girl said she has never lived with a man without the benefit of marriage?
When Rose's beau Al invites her to sail around the world with him, she enthusiastically says yes. During the bon voyage party on his boat, Al is saddened to tell Rose he can't go on this once in a lifetime trip - and they haven't even left the dock yet. Why can't he go?
Blanche excitedly announces to Dorothy and Rose that Laszlo the artist wants to do a piece on a mature woman, and he thinks she's perfect for it. It will be displayed at his big art show at the museum. When Laszlo gives Blanche a key to his studio, what does he ask her?
TRUE OR FALSE: Rose has her own version of the dance that the Huxtables do at the beginning of The Cosby Show.
What was Dorothy's advice to Rose on how to relax when speaking in front of a group of people?
After the girls fire Marguerite as their housekeeper, they experience a series of unfortunate events and quite a bit of bad luck. Blanche and Rose believe it's a direct result of firing Marguerite and that they should rehire her. Why do they believe these things are happening to them?
When Rose gets a visit from Buddy Rourke, he's excited about meeting her, but she has no idea who he is. How does he say he knows her?