Season 1, Episode 24 - "Big Daddy" What is the name of Blanche's family's house? Answer Twin Oaks More trivia questions Season 7, Episode 15 - "Goodbye, Mr. Gordon" Rose excitedly announces her new position at the TV station—associate producer of the Wake Up, Miami show. Her co-workers liked her suggestion about a segment on women who live together, and they need to fill two more spots. Which Golden Girls appear as guests on the show? Season 3, Episode 13 - "The Artist" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose each posed nude for Laszlo the artist's new sculpture. They attend his art show at the museum, anticipating learning who he chose for his artistic piece. When it's finally revealed, each one thinks the statue is of them. For clarity, they ask Laszlo who it is. What does he tell them? Season 6, Episode 22 - "What a Difference a Date Makes" Why did Rose say she never went to the junior prom in high school? Season 1, Episode 15 - "In a Bed of Rose's" Rose invites her beau, Al Beatty, to spend an intimate night with her. She hopes he's quiet during sex and wants him to leave in the morning when The Girls are out golfing. Why is she secretive about him staying the night? Season 3, Episode 5 - "Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself" Rose tells The Girls she was valedictorian at her high school; she was 4th out of 19 graduating seniors. How was she chosen valedictorian? Season 5, Episode 15 - "Triple Play" Rose invites her beau, Miles, and his daughter, Caroline, to lunch at the house. During a private conversation in the kitchen with Rose, Caroline acknowledges her father's fondness for Rose, but says it's only been a year since her mother died. What else does she tell Rose? Season 2, Episode 9 - "Joust Between Friends" Blanche initially enjoyed working with Dorothy at the museum, but when their boss, Mr. Allen, gives Dorothy the responsibility of planning the closing banquet, Blanche is furious and feels betrayed. She's mean and nasty to Dorothy, not knowing the banquet is in her honor. How does she find out? Season 6, Episode 26 - "Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser" Which Golden Girl's ex-boyfriend is an obituary editor and listed her in the local newspaper as dead to get revenge for dumping him? Season 6, Episode 1 - "Blanche Delivers" Sophia's nickname for Dorothy is "Pussycat". Why does she call her that? Season 7, Episode 25 - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (Part 1)" What is the name of Blanche's uncle and Big Daddy's baby brother who is well-to-do and owns seven hardware stores? Season 5, Episode 12 - "Have Yourself a Very Little Christmas" Which Golden Girl's father was part owner of a doughnut shop? Season 3, Episode 10 - "The Audit" Rose said she only cheated once in her life, an experience so awful she vowed never to do it again. The scandal rocked St. Olaf. TRUE OR FALSE: Rose had a job at the local feed store where she'd short change customers. Season 6, Episode 18 - "Older and Wiser" Sophia, believing she's the Activities Director at Cypress Grove, takes the residents on a walk that lasts six hours. Upon their return, Mr. Porter, the owner, reveals the truth: Sophia doesn't actually work there. How does Sophia feel? Season 5, Episode 21 - "Sisters and Other Strangers" Which Golden Girl has a sister who's a published author? (Hint: The title of her sister's novel is Vixen: Story of a Woman.) Season 7, Episode 6 - "Mother Load" Blanche went on a date with Jerry Kennedy, Miami's most glamorous anchorman. Upon returning home, she was surprised by a visit from Jerry's mother, Millicent. What does she say to Blanche? Season 4, Episode 14 - "Love Me Tender" Rose tells The Girls she's participating in the "Be a Pal" program; each week, she spends quality time with a motherless girl. Which Golden Girl volunteers to participate in the program with Rose? Season 1, Episode 7 - "The Competition" After the doubles bowling tournament, Dorothy and Blanche aren't speaking to Rose because she is an ungracious winner. As a peace offering, Rose offers them a trophy with all their names engraved on it to acknowledge how well they bowled. What do Dorothy and Blanche notice about the names on the trophy? Season 2, Episode 8 - "Vacation" Which Golden Girl had rhinoplasty (a nose job)? Season 1, Episode 24 - "Big Daddy" When their neighbor, Mr. Barton, begs Sophia to remove the curse she put on him for being unneighborly, he says he's been experiencing a series of problems: his golf clubs are missing, his clocks are wrong, he can't eat, he can't sleep, and he can't sit due to a boil on his backside. Who was actually doing these things to him?