Season 4, Episode 20 - "High Anxiety" Which Golden Girl worked as a soda jerk in a malt shop when she was in high school? Answer Dorothy More trivia questions Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Break-In" Which Golden Girl believed her jewelry was stolen during a burglary and reported it to the police, only to later remember she had hidden it in the freezer? Season 2, Episode 2 - "Ladies of the Evening" When Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are mistakenly arrested for prostitution during a hotel raid, they encounter a group of belligerent women in their jail cell. What does Dorothy say to avoid a fight? Season 6, Episode 4 - "Snap Out of It" Which Golden Girl has an 8-track player in her car? Season 3, Episode 14 - "Blanche's Little Girl" Blanche's daughter Rebecca brings her boyfriend, Jeremy, to the house for dinner. By the end of the evening, The Girls are disturbed and infuriated with his behavior. What's their problem with Jeremy? Season 7, Episode 22 - "Rose, Portrait of a Woman" When Rose gives Miles his birthday present of her boudoir photograph, she expects it to be an intimate moment shared between them. Unfortunately, she ends up leaving out of embarrassment. What happens? Season 2, Episode 13 - "The Stan Who Came to Dinner" When asked if she had been unfaithful to her husband, which Golden Girl said the following? "Oh, of course not. I was only flirting. There's nothing wrong with that. Keeps you healthy, keeps you in shape, keeps your buttocks firm." Season 7, Episode 14 - "Old Boyfriends" When Sophia meets Marvin from the personals, he's accompanied by his sister, Sarah, who drives him everywhere and seems to be a permanent fixture in his life. Eventually, Sophia learns the truth about Sarah: she's not Marvin's sister; she's his wife. Why does Sarah go on all of their dates? Season 1, Episode 24 - "Big Daddy" When their neighbor, Mr. Barton, begs Sophia to remove the curse she put on him for being unneighborly, he says he's been experiencing a series of problems: his golf clubs are missing, his clocks are wrong, he can't eat, he can't sleep, and he can't sit due to a boil on his backside. Who was actually doing these things to him? Season 2, Episode 11 - "'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose were once held hostage at gunpoint with a pathological liar and a pyromaniac (a person infatuated with fire)—and the gun was a toy. Season 6, Episode 19 - "Melodrama" Rose tells the news director at the TV station that she's interested in the reporter's position. He gives her a real news story to cover as an audition. What is the event? Season 3, Episode 9 - "A Visit from Little Sven" Rose wants her cousin Sven from St. Olaf to feel welcomed when he visits. She has worked late and barely had time to pick up a cake. She goes to the "Get It While It's Hot" erotic bake shop and gets a cake in the shape of....well, a man's member. What did Rose think it was in the shape of? Season 3, Episode 10 - "The Audit" When Dorothy and Stan meet with the IRS auditor, he reviews their tax returns and delivers bad news. What does he tell them? Season 6, Episode 14 - "Sisters of the Bride" When Rose confirms The Girls' Volunteer Vanguard Award banquet reservations, she's told her ticket is free, leading her to believe she's won the award. However, during the banquet, it's announced that the posthumous winner is Agnes Bradshaw. Why do they want Rose there? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" While Dorothy voices concerns about the age gap between Michael and his fiancée, Lorraine, Michael assures her that Lorraine's mother approves. However, upon meeting Michael, Lorraine's mother finds herself objecting to a different aspect of their relationship. What is it? Season 2, Episode 18 - "Forgive Me, Father" Which Golden Girl once had an affair with a man of the cloth? Season 7, Episode 23 - "Home Again Rose, Part 1" The Girls are relieved to learn that Rose is doing well after a mild cardiac episode. The doctor wants her to stay overnight for observation. When The Girls arrive the next day to pick up Rose, what does the nurse tell them? Season 2, Episode 4 - "It's a Miserable Life" The Girls and some of their neighbors attend a county commissioners' meeting to save a 200-year-old oak tree in their neighborhood. During the meeting, Rose gets fed up with their neighbor Mrs. Claxton's mean and nasty behavior, and tells her if she doesn't like what's happening, she can drop dead. What happens to Mrs. Claxton? Season 2, Episode 16 - "And Then There Was One" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose babysit for a charity walkathon. Afterward, all the children are picked up except for baby Emily. As The Girls try to locate her parents, Emily cries incessantly. Which Golden Girl is the only one able to quiet Emily when she holds her? Season 2, Episode 16 - "And Then There Was One" Which Golden Girl said the following? "I don't like other people's children in my house. I didn't even like my own children in my house."