Season 6, Episode 4 - "Snap Out of It" Which Golden Girl has an 8-track player in her car? Answer Rose More trivia questions Season 1, Episode 13 - "A Little Romance" Rose and Dr. Jonathan Newman are on a dinner date, and he tells her there's something important they need to discuss. "Rose, in order for a relationship to be complete, each person has to accept the other for what he is. I don't think that can ever happen between us." Why does he say he can't see her anymore? Season 1, Episode 18 - "The Operation" When Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche enroll in a tap-dancing class, they call themselves "The Tip Tap Trio." Blanche and Rose perform as a duo at the recital because Dorothy has had surgery on her foot. What is the name of their dancing duo? Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" Back in St. Olaf, Rose played "oogle and floogle" - the adult version of hide-and-go-seek. How does this game differ from the children's version? Season 4, Episode 5 - "Bang the Drum, Stanley" Stan comes to the house and tells Dorothy and Sophia he has 3 tickets to a baseball game. He asks them to go with him because he doesn't have friends. Dorothy and Sophia agree to go, but what happens to Sophia while they're at the game? Season 4, Episode 16 - "Two Rode Together" When Dorothy agrees to take Sophia to Disney World so they can spend quality time together, Sophia is skeptical and doesn't believe that's where they're really going. What does she think Dorothy is trying to do? Season 7, Episode 25 - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (Part 1)" Dorothy and Blanche's uncle, Lucas, go on a blind dinner date, and things couldn't be more uncomfortable. They don't have much to discuss until Dorothy reveals the reason she agreed to go on the date. It's the same reason Lucas agreed. What is it? Season 3, Episode 3 - "Bringing up Baby" The Girls finally agree to forfeit the caretaker's fee of $100,000 and send Baby the pig back home because they believe he's homesick. Days later, Rose receives a letter from her cousin who took Baby in. He said Baby arrived safely and was happy to be on the farm, but what happens to Baby shortly after his arrival? Season 1, Episode 3 - "Rose the Prude" How does Rose say her late husband Charlie died? Season 1, Episode 3 - "Rose the Prude" TRUE OR FALSE: The divorce lawyer was the first person Dorothy slept with after her divorce from Stanley. Season 2, Episode 2 - "Ladies of the Evening" After hosting a private party with various celebrities where he met Sophia the night before, what well-known '70s American actor and sex-symbol comes to the house to take Sophia to lunch? (Hint: He plays Bo 'Bandit' Darville in Smokey and the Bandit.) Season 4, Episode 11 - "The Auction" At an art show featuring a nationally renowned artist, The Girls are initially excited to meet him. However, they are quickly disappointed by his boorish behavior, as he insults Rose's fashion sense and calls them stupid and unattractive. What is this artist's name? Season 2, Episode 5 - "Isn't It Romantic" Dorothy's lesbian friend, Jean, comes to visit. Rose is ecstatic when she learns they have something in common: they were both raised on a dairy farm. They strike up a friendship and hang out together. Later, Jean tells Dorothy she has to leave early because "something unexpected has come up." What does she tell Dorothy? Season 3, Episode 3 - "Bringing up Baby" When The Girls learn Uncle Hingablotter's Baby is a pig, Rose is over the moon, but Dorothy and Blanche are against taking care of it. After talking to Uncle Hingablotter's legal counsel, Dorothy and Blanche eagerly approve. What does he say that changes their minds? Season 2, Episode 24 - "To Catch a Neighbor" After the stakeout at The Girls' house ends and their neighbors, the McDowells, are arrested, Detective Mullins tells Dorothy he really wants to see her again. She wants to see him, too, but she says she can't because she could get serious about him. Why does Dorothy feel this way? Season 3, Episode 17 - "My Brother, My Father" When Blanche and Rose both audition for The Sound of Music, what roles do they get? Season 4, Episode 9 - "Scared Straight" Sophia tells Dorothy she dreamed her husband Salvadore spoke to her. I'm sitting in the living room, and the clock strikes 9. Then the bell rings. It's your father in his fedora. He always wore a fedora on Saturday. He walks towards me, reaches out his hand and says, "Sophia, you can come now. There's room for you now." What does this mean to Sophia? Season 7, Episode 18 - "Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan" After Rose's news story airs about the bug infestation in Angelo's apartment building, Dorothy and Stan appear in court, accused of being slumlords. TRUE OR FALSE: Stan hires his celebrity lawyer friend, Marvin Mitchelson, to be their lawyer. Season 3, Episode 1 - "Old Friends" Dorothy and Blanche collect old household items to donate for a fundraiser. Daisy, a Sunshine Cadet, volunteers to help. When Daisy takes an interest in Rose's teddy bear Fernando, Blanche gives the bear to her. What happens when Rose discovers Fernando is missing? Season 1, Episode 20 - "Adult Education" Which Golden Girl once scalped Frank Sinatra concert tickets to an undercover police officer and got arrested?