Season 2, Episode 3 - "Take Him, He's Mine"
When Dorothy apologizes to Blanche for accusing her of sleeping with Stan, she explains to Blanche that she was feeling jealous, lonely, and a mixture of other feelings. Blanche tells her she knows exactly how she feels and even has a name for it. What does Blanche call it?
Dorothy: Blanche, I want to apologize.
Blanche: Ok.
Dorothy: I apologize.
Blanche: That's it?
Dorothy: I can't think of anything else to say. I behaved terribly.
Blanche: I know.
Dorothy: No, you don't. Oh, I went to Stan's hotel room tonight because I thought you were there.
Blanche: Well, I wasn't!
Dorothy: I know.
Blanche: I told him that although there was nothing between us, I couldn't see him anymore.
Dorothy: Oh, I've been such a creep!
Blanche: I know.
Dorothy: I wish I could explain it, but I can't. I think some of it may be that I... didn't want to share my memories. I mean, that part of my life with Stan is over, but I still wanted it to be...just mine, you know? And I was afraid that you might take that part away. And I was feeling jealous and lonely and God knows what else.
Blanche: Magenta.
Dorothy: Excuse me?
Blanche: Magenta. That's what I call it when I get that way. All kinds of feelings tumbling all over themselves. Well, you know you're not quite blue because you're not really sad. And although you're a little bit jealous, you wouldn't say you're green with envy. And every now and then you realize you're kinda scared, but you'd hardly call yourself yellow. I hate that feeling. I just hate it, and I hate the color magenta. That's why I named it that. Magenta. No way to really explain it, but fortunately, between friends, you don't have to. Oh, Dorothy! Dorothy, listen. Now that we're talking to each other, can I ask you a question? Why in hell did you ever marry Stan?
Dorothy: It was my magenta period. And you know, Stan was rather handsome when he had hair.
Blanche: Come on!
Dorothy: He had a certain...elegant charm.
Blanche: Oh, please!
Dorothy: And, of course, I was 4 months pregnant.