Season 2, Episode 25 - "A Piece of Cake" TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche loves surprise birthday parties. Answer True More trivia questions Season 5, Episode 26 - "The President's Coming! Part 2" TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche is a member of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Season 2, Episode 2 - "Ladies of the Evening" Blanche once said that on the evening of the 1972 presidential inauguration, she danced in the arms of the president...and woke up in his arms the next morning. TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche spent the night with President Richard Nixon. Season 7, Episode 20 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 1)" After Rose and Miles announce their engagement at Blanche's party, he confides his doubts to Dorothy, who reassures him it's just pre-wedding jitters. Miles observes similarities between himself and Dorothy; they have more in common than he and Rose. What happens between Dorothy and Miles? Season 1, Episode 4 - "Transplant" TRUE OR FALSE: Although Blanche and her sister, Virginia, have never really gotten along, Blanche was an organ donor for her when she needed a kidney transplant. Season 5, Episode 3 - "The Accurate Conception" According to Rose, her best friend, Claire Osterhaus, got pregnant 5 months after her husband left for France during World War ll. The people of St. Olaf thought Claire was fooling around, but Claire told Rose her husband sperm's swam from Normandy into Minnesota by way of the Great Lakes. What did Rose think? Season 3, Episode 12 - "Charlie's Buddy" Rose tells Buddy Rourke she's not going to Boston with him because she doesn't love him. Unaware that he's lying about knowing her late husband, Charlie, to scam her out of money, she gives Buddy something special that belonged to Charlie. Out of guilt, he doesn't take it. What is it? Season 2, Episode 3 - "Take Him, He's Mine" When Stan comes to the house depressed about losing his business, he asks Dorothy out for dinner and a friendly shoulder to cry on. Dorothy already had plans for the evening, so she begs The Girls if one of them would take her place. Which Golden Girl reluctantly agrees to go out with Stan? Season 6, Episode 18 - "Older and Wiser" Blanche and Rose are delighted when a photographer chooses them for a Pennysaver ad featuring Blanche's face and Rose's hands. However, they're horrified when they receive an advance copy of the ad in the mail. What is it for? Season 6, Episode 7 - "Zborn Again" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose said the best sex she ever had was with her husband, Charlie, the night he had a heart attack during lovemaking. Season 7, Episode 23 - "Home Again Rose, Part 1" The Girls agree to attend a local high school's 40th reunion party and pose as members of the class of '52. What is the name of the school? Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" Stan comes over and tells The Girls he's now a rich man. His invention is on TV, and he wants them to see the commercial. He's already sold half a million units at $12.95 each, making him a multi-millionaire.. What is his new invention? Season 7, Episode 12 - "From Here to the Pharmacy" When Sophia enlists Rose's legal know-how to draft an ironclad will, Rose inadvertently reveals to Dorothy that the will includes $35,000. Dorothy is furious, having made financial sacrifices for her mother while Sophia secretly possessed this money all along. How did Sophia get the money? Season 4, Episode 20 - "High Anxiety" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once spent a month in the hospital to overcome a 30-year pill addiction. Season 4, Episode 14 - "Love Me Tender" After waiting half an hour, Dorothy's blind date, Eddie, finally arrives, and he doesn't seem interested at all. Dorothy returns home the next morning describing how terrible the date was, but she'll continue seeing Eddie. What does Dorothy confess to Rose as to why she's still seeing him? Season 1, Episode 16 - "The Truth Will Out" Rose tells The Girls she's nervous about the visit from her daughter and granddaughter, Kirsten and Charlie. Rose made Kirsten executor of her will and is hesitant about reviewing the documents with her. Why is she nervous? Season 3, Episode 14 - "Blanche's Little Girl" Highly frustrated after listening to Rebecca's boyfriend, Jeremy, disrespect and belittle her throughout dinner, The Girls hear about a disturbing conversation Sophia overheard between the two. When Blanche questions Rebecca about it, what does she tell her? Season 6, Episode 2 - "Once, in St. Olaf" What Hanna-Barbera Stone Age cartoon character does Rose say people think she looks like? Season 4, Episode 17 - "You Gotta Have Hope" The ladies' auxiliary puts Dorothy in charge of the hospital variety show, and The Girls are having difficulty finding good acts. Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are excited when Sophia brings the super-talented Donatello triplets to audition. What does Sophia want in exchange for putting the triplets in the show? Season 1, Episode 2 - "Guess Who's Coming to the Wedding" When Dorothy's daughter, Kate, introduces her boyfriend, Dennis, to The Girls, what does she say he does for a living?