Season 7, Episode 23 - "Home Again Rose, Part 1"
At a local high school reunion party where The Girls pretend to be class members, Rose goes to the no-show table and discreetly grabs name tags. Which Golden Girl pretends to be each of the the following?
Cindy Lou Peoples
Susan Armstrong
Kim Fung-Toi
Mrs. Gonzales
Dorothy is Cindy Lou Peoples
Blanche is Susan Armstrong
Rose is Kim Fung-Toi
Sophia is Mrs. Gonzales
Blanche: Where have you been?
Rose: When no one was looking, I went by the no-show table and I got 4 name tags for us. Blanche, you'll be Susan Armstrong. And Dorothy, you'll be Cindy Lou Peoples. And Sophia, you're Myron Zucker.
Sophia: Rose, you idiot! There's no way I'm ever going to pass for a man. Dorothy, trade with me.
Dorothy: Go to hell, Myron. Eh, Rose, I don't want to wear this.
Rose: Oh, come on! I looked in the yearbook, and you're a dead ringer for Cindy Lou Peoples.
Dorothy: I don't know.
Rose: Trust me! It'll work, or my name isn't Kim Fung-Toi.