Season 7, Episode 20 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 1)"
Rose is on a winning streak after entering various giveaway contests. First, she won a free prostate check, and now she's won an even bigger prize. What does she win?
An all-expenses-paid honeymoon trip to Paris, France worth $15,000
Rose: Girls! I did it again! I won another giveaway!
Dorothy: Ah, what did you win this time? A vasectomy?
Rose: Even better! Wail 'til you hear. I won an all-expenses-paid honeymoon trip to Paris, France!
Blanche: Oh, my God, Rose Nylund!
Rose: Yes?
Blanche: Does this mean that you and Miles....
Rose: Yes?
Blanche: That—that you and Miles are getting married?
Rose: No!
Blanche: Well then, what in hell do you want an all-expenses-paid honeymoon for?
Rose: Oh, I don't enter these for the prizes! I do it for the thrill of winning! The rush of adrenaline when you realize that you've grappled Madame Chance and flung her, bloodied and beaten, to the mat. And just when you think she's dead, she gets up again, and you have to give her one of those Van Damme moves to the jaw and-
Dorothy: Rose!
Rose: I like to win, alright!
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