Season 7, Episode 17 - "Questions and Answers" Which Golden Girl's favorite TV show is Jeopardy!? Answer Dorothy More trivia questions Season 2, Episode 14 - "The Actor" When handsome TV actor Patrick Vaughn comes to Miami to perform at the community playhouse, The Girls are over the moon. Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose each audition for the part of his leading lady, Josie. What does Blanche wear for her audition to try to secure the role? Season 6, Episode 22 - "What a Difference a Date Makes" Dorothy confides in The Girls that she was stood up for senior prom by one of the toughest guys in her high school. He smoked, drank, and made rude noises under his armpits, but she was in love with him. Almost 40 years later, he calls unexpectedly, expressing his desire to see her. What is his name? Season 4, Episode 9 - "Scared Straight" Rose and Blanche's brother, Clayton, return home together after crossing paths in the park. Blanche asks Clayton about the blind date she sent him on, and he says they weren't suited. When he tries to tell Blanche he's gay, he clams up. What does he tell her instead? Season 5, Episode 17 - "Like the Beep Beep Beep of the Tom-Tom" Following a physical examination, Blanche's doctor prescribes a Holter monitor to assess her heart activity. During her follow-up appointment, the doctor, concerned by her slow and irregular pulse, recommends hospitalization for further testing. What does Blanche learn she needs surgery for? Season 4, Episode 9 - "Scared Straight" Blanche is excited because she's expecting a visit from her younger brother Clayton. Rose says they should lay out the welcome mat, but Blanche says they don't have one. Why does Rose believe they do? Season 5, Episode 10 - "All That Jazz" Dorothy's son, Michael, visits and announces his job loss and separation from his wife. Concerned by his lack of responsibility, Dorothy makes a difficult decision after observing his week of beachside leisure. What does she do? Season 4, Episode 10 - "Stan Takes a Wife" Dorothy tells Blanche and Rose she's declaring her love for Stan before he marries his fiancée Katherine. However, after a candid conversation with Katherine just minutes before the wedding, Dorothy changes her mind. Why? Season 5, Episode 21 - "Sisters and Other Strangers" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose swore she would never tell another St. Olaf story until someone confessed that one of her stories changed their life. Season 5, Episode 18 - "An Illegitimate Concern" Dorothy and Sophia enter the Shady Pines Mother-Daughter Beauty Pageant, and one of their acts is a musical performance. What American pop and entertainment duo do they dress as while singing their Billboard Hot 100 song, "I Got You Babe"? Season 2, Episode 11 - "'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose were once held hostage at gunpoint with a pathological liar and a pyromaniac (a person infatuated with fire)—and the gun was a toy. Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" What is the name of Dorothy's novelist friend whose stories are all set in Florida? (Hint: She's condescending and discriminatory.) Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" When Dorothy consoles Stanley about his wife, Chrissy, leaving him, they end up spending the night together. After The Girls find out, Dorothy reassures them it was a one-time event. How does Stanley feel about Dorothy? Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" After Stan hits it big with his baked potato opener, he buys various gifts for his children, Dorothy, and Sophia. Dorothy believes he's trying to buy their love. He gives Sophia money and a Game Boy (a handheld game console). What lavish gift does he buy for Dorothy? Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" Blanche finally decides to do the right thing and not bankrupt St. Olaf by cashing in the war bonds. Rose mentions they're planning to build a statue in her honor. But just as Blanche tears up the bonds, Dorothy questions how St. Olaf is paying for the statue if they're broke. What does Rose say? Season 7, Episode 24 - "Home Again Rose, Part 2" While The Girls wait anxiously at the hospital during Rose's surgery, Sophia and Dorothy are reminded of when her father was sick in the hospital. Remembering the brand of his favorite beer, they begin to sing the commercial jingle. What was the brand of beer? Season 7, Episode 21 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 2)" While gushing to Dorothy about Derek, the British gentleman she believes is her soulmate, Blanche discovers her grandmother's priceless heirloom necklace is missing. She believes it slipped off earlier that evening. What happened to her necklace? Season 4, Episode 16 - "Two Rode Together" Rose and Blanche team up together to write a children's storybook about Toonder the Magnificent Tiger, a character from a fable Rose heard as a child. When Rose calls her sister for more stories, what disappointing news does she learn about these fables? Season 5, Episode 1 - "Sick and Tired (Part 1)" Sophia worries about Dorothy, who has been sick for months without a diagnosis, believing her illness is real even if doctors haven't identified it yet. What does Sophia think may be happening to Dorothy? Season 5, Episode 1 - "Sick and Tired (Part 1)" After seeing several doctors in Miami, Dorothy goes to New York to see Dr. Budd. He's dismissive and rude to her, telling her that nothing is wrong, she's just getting older, and that her fatigue is simply a result of aging. What advice does he give her?