The Golden Girls Trivia: Season 6

In the sixth season of The Golden Girls, not only do the girls walk a fine line between comedy and sincerity, but they do it with grace and ease. Blanche deals with a ghost from the past that meant a great deal to her, Dorothy is making tough decisions about her ex-husband Stan, Sophia's dealing with every parent's nightmare of out living their children, and Rose's childhood dream comes true about meeting a family member that she always imagined. How much detail do you know about how the girls handled these topics? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.

Blanche calls her backup boyfriend Mel Bushman multiple times, but he doesn't answer the phone. She worries something may have happened to him. When she finally sees him, she realizes how much he means to her. What does she say to him?

She tells him she loves him and wants to be a one-man woman with him.
Episode 19 - Melodrama

TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia and her old Sicilian rival, Sarafina Gambrazi, have played checkers by mail for ten years.

False. They play chess.
Episode 26 - Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser

Why did Rose say she never went to the junior prom in high school?

It was only for people named Junior.
Episode 22 - What a Difference a Date Makes

Blanche once told the girls she wasn't wearing underwear on her wedding day. What was the reason?

"I just felt it was the right thing to do." - Blanche
Episode 17 - There Goes the Bride, Part 2

According to Rose, back in St. Olaf, Lucky Gunther was involved in a thresher accident and his arm was replaced with a forceps. He was in charge of handing out corn at picnics. What else was he in charge of?

Delivering babies
Episode 1 - Blanche Delivers
Rose: Why, in St. Olaf, the mother was always with the daughter when she gave birth. And if the mother was out of town, then the mother of the father was there. And if she was out of town, then we'd call Lucky Gunther.
Dorothy: Oh, what the hell? She has a birthday coming up. Why, Rose?
Rose: After the thresher accident, they replaced Lucky's arm with a forceps. Yep. Lucky Gunther. He was in charge of delivering babies and handing out corn at the rotary picnics.
Dorothy: Shut up, Rose.

TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy allows her uncle Angelo to stay in the apartment building owned by her and Stan. Angelo throws an out-of-control housewarming party that the girls and Stan attend, but Dorothy was not invited.

Episode 23 - Love for Sale

Rose tells the news director at the tv station that she's interested in the reporter's position. He gives her a real news story to cover as an audition. What is the event?

A dog show
Episode 19 - Melodrama
Rose: Girls! Great news! I got my assignment, and it's a biggie. Oh yeah, a biggie. Real big. Big, big, big!
Dorothy: Cat show?
Rose: Dog show! Miami's 13th annual. Oh, that's right ladies. This afternoon I'm going to get the scoop on man's best friend!

One of the first graders in Dorothy's production of Henny Penny gets the measles, so the entire cast has been quarantined. Instead of canceling the production, Dorothy suggests to the director to recast the players as adults, and all the girls agree to participate. Which Golden Girl played each of the following characters?

Henny Penny
Goosey Lucy
Turkey Lurkey
The Storyteller

Rose is Henny Penny
Blanche is Goosey Lucy
Dorothy is Turkey Lurkey
Sophia is The Storyteller
Episode 26 - Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser

What color was Blanche's wedding dress?

Episode 22 - What a Difference a Date Makes
Blanche: It fits! My wedding dress fits!
Rose: Congratulations! You weren't married in a white dress?
Blanche: Oh, Rose, come on. I mean, it's one thing to hear snickering when you walk down the aisle, but me in white? Even I couldn't keep a straight face.

Detective Parres from Dade County P.D. comes to the house to question Sophia about the night the Shady Pines retirement home burned down. He has a deathbed confession from the late Maria Heartgrove stating she and Sophia started the fire cooking with a hot plate in Sophia's room. What were they making?

Episode 24 - Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 1

Rose and her cameraman are setting up to cover the 13th Annual Miami Pet Dog Expo; they're both auditioning for new positions at the tv station. Dorothy and Sophia attend for moral support. What major incident happens at the dog show that Rose doesn't even report on?

There was a robbery at the dog show. A man robs the attendees of the show and holds them hostage at gunpoint.
Episode 19 - Melodrama
Blanche: You didn't cover the robbery at all?
Rose: Was I wrong again? I mean, I could've covered the holdup, but it would've seemed like I was giving in to sensationalism. I'm a reporter, damn it. They sent me to cover a story, and that's what I did.
Sophia: I don't believe this. Rose! This was the opportunity of a lifetime. A one-in-a-million shot. How could-
Dorothy: How could they not have given you the job, Rose? Oh, maybe the issue here is one of...oh God, what can we call it? Uh, editorial judgment.
Rose: Really? You think so?
Dorothy: Oh yes, Rose. Yes, I do. I guess it just isn't the story they wanted.
Blanche: Damn, you're good.

The girls agree to be in Dorothy's school production of Henny Penny. They've been rehearsing for days, but when Rose learns how the story ends, she's appalled. She dislikes the idea of children being exposed to a horror story. Why doesn't she like the ending?

Henny Penny, Goosey Lucy, and Turkey Lurkey are all eaten by Foxy Loxy.
Episode 26 - Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser
Dorothy: Rose, come on! Now, you haven't said a word since we left rehearsal.
Rose: Nobody told me Henny Penny ended that way. Nobody told me it was a tragedy.
Blanche: Rose, you've been rehearsing for three days. Why are you making a scene now?
Rose: Well, that was the first time we rehearsed the ending. I didn't know that Turkey and Henny and Goosey were all eaten by Foxy Loxy. Oh, the humanity!
Dorothy: Rose, you mean you didn't even look at the end of the play until today?
Rose: If there's one thing I remember about my wedding night, it's Charlie telling me it's impolite to peek.
Dorothy: Rose, the play isn't real. It's a fairy tale. Not all stories end happily, and children have to learn that.
Rose: You call yourself a teacher? It's people like you who are responsible for all the evil on this planet.
Dorothy: I guess I had that coming.

TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia was charged with negligent arson and arrested for the fire that burned down Shady Pines.

Episode 24 - Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 1

Blanche says there are lots of ways to trick a man into thinking you're younger than you are. What does she do while dating Jason Stillman, the man who believes her granddaughter is her daughter?

She wears sunglasses with pink lenses and gives Jason a pair to wear too.
Episode 20 - Even Grandmas Get the Blues
Blanche: There are lots of ways you can trick a man into thinking you're younger than you really are. You wear sunglasses. Put on a little extra makeup. Go to dimly lit restaurants.
Rose: We've all done that.
Blanche: Fly to Nevada to get a fake birth certificate. Have a phony high school yearbook printed up. Change the dates on your parents' graves.
Dorothy: We've all done that.

Blanche's vindictive ex-boyfriend, Chugger Deitz, runs an obituary in the newspaper stating she's passed. Which of her other boyfriends sends her a condolence card and flowers saying he's back with his ex-wife because Blanche's passing made him appreciate the people in his life?

Mel Bushman
Episode 26 - Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser

When Detective Parres questions Sophia about the night of the Shady Pines fire, she can't remember the details to prove she didn't start it. What does she plan to do to avoid going to prison?

She plans to jump bail and move back to Sicily.
Episode 24 - Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 1

After Sophia is charged with negligent arson and arrested for the Shady Pines fire, she decides to jump bail and fly back to Sicily to avoid prison time. She's apprehended at the airport buying a ticket with Dorothy's credit card. How does she get caught?

Her chef knife showed up on the scanner
Episode 25 - Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 2

Rose attempted to talk to the fire inspector who inspected Shady Pines to ensure nothing was wrong with the building. She learns the inspector quit three days after the fire; he mysteriously came into money and moved to Palm Beach. What does this mean?

The inspector took a bribe to hide the truth about the fire.
Episode 25 - Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 2