The Golden Girls Trivia: Season 6

In the sixth season of The Golden Girls, not only do the girls walk a fine line between comedy and sincerity, but they do it with grace and ease. Blanche deals with a ghost from the past that meant a great deal to her, Dorothy is making tough decisions about her ex-husband Stan, Sophia's dealing with every parent's nightmare of out living their children, and Rose's childhood dream comes true about meeting a family member that she always imagined. How much detail do you know about how the girls handled these topics? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.

Sophia believes God spoke to her and instructed her to become a nun. After being at the convent for a short while, Mother Superior tells Dorothy she doesn't think being a nun is a good fit for Sophia. When Dorothy relays this message to her mother, why does Sophia say she wants to be a nun?

Sophia thought she was taking the place of her best friend Sister Agnes who'd recently passed.
Episode 8 - How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sophia?

After being wooed and chased by Lyle Waggoner and Sonny Bono, who does Dorothy finally choose?

Episode 9 - Mrs. George Devereaux

After years and years of not hearing from her childhood caretaker, Viola Watkins, Blanche finally learns why she left so suddenly when she was a little girl. Blanche said she woke up one morning to discover that Viola left without saying goodbye. What was the reason?

Blanche's mother found out about Viola and Big Daddy's affair.
Episode 5 - Wham, Bam, Thank You Mammy

After taking Blanche's advice and spending an intimate night with Tony Delveccio, Sophia tells him she loves him while they're lying in bed. How does he respond?

He doesn't say he loves her, he says he cares for her.
Episode 10 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Before They Die

Which Golden Girl is a member of the Mile High Club?

Episode 11 - Stand by Your Man
Blanche: It was clear from Ted's tone on the phone that he wants to escalate our relationship. He said he hoped I wasn't seeing anyone else. I just don't know.
Dorothy: I think you should go for it. See it through! Blanche, so many times you drop somebody without ever knowing what it could turn into. Sometimes you have to take a chance.
Blanche: I just don't know if I'm ready for that kind of risk.
Dorothy: A little risk only heightens the thrill. It's like...It's like making love in an airplane lavatory when you know it's wrong because the guy you're with really should be at the controls. Well, it was just an example. Who are you to judge me?

The girls are getting ready to attend the funeral of Dorothy's younger brother and Sophia's son Phil. Dorothy said the whole family is shocked about his passing. How does she say Phil died?

He went shopping for an evening gown and had a heart attack while trying on dresses.
Episode 12 - Ebbtide's Revenge
Dorothy: Did you happen to notice if my mother's alright?
Blanche: Oh, she's fine right now. You know, last night she talked to me about the pain of losing a child. I think that's got to be the most painful thing a mother could go through. She's being a rock.
Rose: Maybe too much of a rock. She's really keeping this all bottled up.
Dorothy: She's in shock. The whole family's in shock. I mean, a man goes out to buy himself an evening gown. You don't expect anything unusual, do you?
Blanche and Rose: No.
Dorothy: Heart attack - at his age. I spoke to him just a couple of weeks ago; he was fine. Oh, he said he'd put on some weight, but to die trying on knock-offs at Big Gal's's just all so sad.

Nine years after faking his death, Blanche's husband George is back from the dead and wants her to be his wife again. They fondly reminisce about how they met at the university club cotillion. She leans in to embrace him and to her disappointment, what happens?

She wakes up and realizes she was dreaming.
Episode 9 - Mrs. George Devereaux

Which Golden Girl danced with her father to "Tennessee Waltz" on her wedding day? She asked the band to play it twice so she could dance with him as long as possible.

Episode 5 - Wham, Bam, Thank You Mammy

When Rose volunteers at the hospital as a candy striper, she gives all her patients a traditional St. Olaf fun pack. What's in the pack?

A pack of gum, a bar of soap, and sock puppets
Episode 2 - Once, in St. Olaf

Blanche said she doesn't believe in wearing the color black. What color is the dress she wears to funerals?

Episode 12 - Ebbtide's Revenge
Rose: So, what are you going to say?
Dorothy: I don't know. I just want to say a few words to give the man some dignity, and show him a little respect.
Blanche: Ready?
Dorothy: To run with the bulls in Pamplona?
Blanche: Dorothy, you know this is my funeral dress. I don't believe in wearing black, unless I'm a little bloated.

Blanche once dated a man who constantly stood her up, disrespected her, and was verbally abusive towards her. What is his name?

Rex Huntington
Episode 13 - The Bloom Is Off the Rose

Miles confesses to Rose that he's been in the Witness Protection Program for several years. He's hiding from an escaped convict, underworld kingpin, and one of the FBI's 10 most wanted criminals. What is the criminal's name?

Mickey "The Cheeseman" Moran
Episode 15 - Miles to Go

Dorothy's been sneaking around with Stan for months, but only Blanche and Rose know. She rides Blanche's bike to meet him; otherwise, Sophia will hear Stan's car in the driveway. What does Rose insist that Dorothy take with her before she leaves?

A bike helmet
Episode 16 - There Goes the Bride, Part 1
Rose: I thought you were going out with Stan tonight?
Dorothy: I am, I am. See you later. Oh, Blanche...favor?
Blanche: Oh, Dorothy, come on! This has been going on for months now. "I have a date with Stan. Can I borrow your bike?"
Dorothy: He can't pick me up or my mother will hear the car. What, you think I'm proud of this?
Blanche: Go on, honey, take the bike.
Dorothy: Thank you.
Rose: Dorothy?
Dorothy: I'm just going around the block.
Rose: Dorothy!
Dorothy: Oh, God. Oh, God, I hate what this does to my hair!

Sophia needs surgery for a hernia, but she's afraid to go to the hospital. She believes Dorothy is using the operation as a scam. Where does Sophia think Dorothy is taking her and why?

She thinks Dorothy is taking her to Shady Pines because Dorothy took her there after she had a stroke.
Episode 2 - Once, in St. Olaf
Sophia: I'm not going to the hospital. People die there. They go in, they don't come out.
Dorothy: Ma, that is not true!
Sophia: I'm still not going.
Blanche: Sophia, you have to go. You can't just ignore your hernia.
Dorothy: Blanche is right. I mean, right now it's very minor, but, honey, left untreated, it could be very serious. Honey, a trip to the hospital is the best thing for you.
Sophia: You think I'm stupid? This scam has Shady Pines written all over it!
Dorothy: Ma, be serious.
Sophia: Come on, we're all adults here. I see the way you've been eyeing my bedroom. "Wouldn't a wet bar go great where the old lady is?"
Dorothy: Ma, that's ridiculous! Why would I take you to Shady Pines when you have a hernia?
Sophia: You took me there after I had a stroke!
Dorothy: I'm not getting anywhere. Blanche, you talk to her.
Blanche: A wet bar...
Dorothy: Blanche!

Dorothy's sister-in-law and Phil's wife's name is Angela, but Sophia calls her Big Sally. Why does she call her that?

Simply because she hates it. Sophia and Angela don't get along.
Episode 12 - Ebbtide's Revenge

Which Golden Girl's boyfriend took her on a date to a thimble museum in the back of a sewing shop?

Episode 13 - The Bloom Is Off the Rose
Miles: Hi, Dorothy. Sophia.
Dorothy: You kids have fun tonight?
Miles: Oh, did we ever! There's this sewing shop on 4th street, and in the back, they've got this thimble museum I've always wanted to go to. You know, you could put in a thimble what most people know about thimbles [laughs]. No, no, that's not mine. They tell that one down at the thimble museum.
Dorothy: You actually had a good time at a thimble museum?
Miles: It was sew-sew [laughs]. No, again, that was not mine. They sell bumper stickers out at the thimble museum. So, Rose, how about tomorrow night? Hmm? Dinner at the usual, huh? And you know, we've been putting off that trip to Zipper Town.
Rose: Do you think we'll have time after dinner?
Miles: Well, Zipper Town is always open [laughs]. That was mine. Just now, I swear it!

Rose believes her boyfriend's name is Miles Webber, but after he confesses to being in the Witness Protection Program, he tells her his real name. Also, he's not a college professor. What is his real name and profession?

His name is Nicholas Carbone, and he's an accountant.
Episode 15 - Miles to Go

Which Golden Girl once went on a dinner date and was threatened with a lobster by her date's ex-wife?

Episode 16 - There Goes the Bride, Part 1
Blanche: What's the matter, honey? Did you have a bad time with Ray?
Rose: It wasn't Ray. His ex-wife Myra ran into the Chowder Heads where we were eating and started yelling at me. Then she grabbed a lobster out of the tank, and forced me out of the booth.
Sophia: How is the lobster at Chowder Heads?
Rose: Scary!

Rose meets a monk named Brother Martin while she's working the admitting desk at the hospital. He tells Rose she looks very familiar and says he's from St. Olaf. After a lengthy conversation, Brother Martin makes a connection between Rose's history and his own. What shocking news does he reveal to her?

He's her father.
Episode 2 - Once, in St. Olaf

The girls attend Dorothy's brother Phil's funeral service and pay their respects during the viewing of the body. What did Phil request to be buried in?

A black teddy
Episode 12 - Ebbtide's Revenge
Blanche: He looks very peaceful and natural.
Dorothy: As natural as a man can look wearing a black teddy.
Rose: It's a beautiful teddy. I think more men should be buried in teddies.
Dorothy: I've just got to remember that it's not the clothes that make the man, it's the man that makes the clothes. Oh God, he looks like he died in a Benny Hill sketch! Oh, I guess there's nothing we can do about it now. Besides, it's probably what Phil wanted. I'm going to go check on Ma.
Blanche: Listen, if it makes you feel any better, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Dorothy: Oh, thank you, Blanche. This means a lot coming from a woman who wants to be buried dressed like a majorette.