Season 6, Episode 12 - "Ebbtide's Revenge" Which Golden Girl wants to be buried dressed as a majorette? Answer Blanche More trivia questions Season 5, Episode 14 - "Great Expectations" Despite her initial reluctance and fear, Blanche heeds Dorothy's advice and visits her beau, Steven, in the hospital following his heart attack. To her disappointment and embarrassment, what does he tell her? Season 7, Episode 4 - "That's for Me to Know" Dorothy finds a picture of her mother and her first husband, Guido Spirelli; she's shocked and hurt. She feels like Sophia lied to her and that she doesn't know her own mother. When Dorothy asks Sophia why she never told her about Guido, what does she say? Season 2, Episode 20 - "Whose Face Is This, Anyway?" Which Golden Girl had cosmetic surgery on her eyes? Season 4, Episode 24 - "Foreign Exchange" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose accused Blanche of greatly exaggerating her sexual escapades because Blanche couldn't master the technique of dirty dancing. Season 7, Episode 12 - "From Here to the Pharmacy" Which Golden Girl assaulted a man in a drugstore over the last tube of Preparation H? Season 7, Episode 1 - "Hey, Look Me Over" As Rose sorts through her belongings, deciding what to put in storage, she discovers her late husband Charlie's camera with a roll of undeveloped film inside. She believes it contains pictures from his last birthday. When the images come back from development, what do Rose and Dorothy discover? Season 1, Episode 9 - "Blanche and the Younger Man" Which Golden Girl's mother once lived with a drifting ex-con who taught her how to play cards and carve a pistol out of soap? Season 1, Episode 9 - "Blanche and the Younger Man" What is Sophia's nickname for Dorothy? Season 3, Episode 1 - "Old Friends" Which Golden Girl said she always wondered about the myth of Black men in the bedroom? Season 2, Episode 16 - "And Then There Was One" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose babysit for a charity walkathon. Afterward, all the children are picked up except for baby Emily. As The Girls try to locate her parents, Emily cries incessantly. Which Golden Girl is the only one able to quiet Emily when she holds her? Season 3, Episode 13 - "The Artist" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose each posed nude for Laszlo the artist's new sculpture. They attend his art show at the museum, anticipating learning who he chose for his artistic piece. When it's finally revealed, each one thinks the statue is of them. For clarity, they ask Laszlo who it is. What does he tell them? Season 5, Episode 12 - "Have Yourself a Very Little Christmas" Dreading the annual exchange of Christmas gifts due to Rose's questionable taste, The Girls decide to draw names to limit their shopping to a single recipient. Rose draws Blanche's name. What is her present to Blanche? Season 1, Episode 4 - "Transplant" Before Blanche's sister, Virginia, comes to visit, Blanche expresses to The Girls how much she hates her. When her sister arrives, they spend time together, but Blanche is skeptical because Virginia is abnormally friendly. What shocking news does she reveal to Blanche? Season 5, Episode 19 - "72 Hours" Rose receives a concerning letter from St. Luke's Hospital, where she previously underwent gallbladder removal and a blood transfusion, requesting she return for testing due to potential blood contamination. Why is she scared of the possible results? Season 4, Episode 17 - "You Gotta Have Hope" Rose tells Dorothy and Blanche she got Bob Hope to emcee for the hospital variety show, but she's basing that on a conversation with a receptionist at NBC. When The Girls learn that Bob Hope is in town for a golf tournament, what do they do in an attempt to get him for the show? Season 5, Episode 20 - "Twice in a Lifetime" What is the name of Rose's high school sweetheart that she dated at the same time she dated Charlie? (Hint: She almost married him, but he left her to become a musician.) Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" Stan comes over and tells The Girls he's now a rich man. His invention is on TV, and he wants them to see the commercial. He's already sold half a million units at $12.95 each, making him a multi-millionaire.. What is his new invention? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose has her own version of the dance that the Huxtables do at the beginning of The Cosby Show. Season 7, Episode 18 - "Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan" After Rose's news story airs about the bug infestation in Angelo's apartment building, Dorothy and Stan appear in court, accused of being slumlords. TRUE OR FALSE: Stan hires his celebrity lawyer friend, Marvin Mitchelson, to be their lawyer.