The Golden Girls Trivia: Season 6

In the sixth season of The Golden Girls, not only do the girls walk a fine line between comedy and sincerity, but they do it with grace and ease. Blanche deals with a ghost from the past that meant a great deal to her, Dorothy is making tough decisions about her ex-husband Stan, Sophia's dealing with every parent's nightmare of out living their children, and Rose's childhood dream comes true about meeting a family member that she always imagined. How much detail do you know about how the girls handled these topics? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.

When Rose confirms the girls' Volunteer Vanguard Award banquet reservations, the committee tells her she doesn't have to pay for her ticket. She believes she's won, and they want to ensure her attendance. At the banquet, it's announced there's a posthumous winner, Agnes Bradshaw. Why did they want Rose there?

To accept the award on behalf of Agnes
Episode 14 - Sisters of the Bride

Blanche is auditioning for Kate, the fiery tart of Padua in The Taming of the Shrew. She takes her baby granddaughter Aurora to the audition because she's babysitting. She meets Jason Stillman, and he asks her out on a date. What does he think about Blanche and baby Aurora that she doesn't correct him on?

He thinks Aurora is Blanche's daughter.
Episode 20 - Even Grandmas Get the Blues

Right before their wedding ceremony, Stan introduces Dorothy to his best man and lawyer. Since his success with The Zbornee, Stan is now a rich man. What does Stan ask Dorothy that upsets her so much that she calls off the wedding?

He asks her to sign a prenuptial agreement.
Episode 17 - There Goes the Bride, Part 2
Stan: Dorothy, I want you to meet my best man, Marvin Mitchelson.
Dorothy: Oh! Oh! Oh! How lovely to meet you! What an honor.
Marvin: The honor is mine, Dorothy.
Stan: He's a lawyer.
Dorothy: I know who he is. Oh, Stanley, I'm impressed!
Stan: Yeah, well, since I made all this money, you wouldn't believe all the friends I have.
Marvin: How about this guy? Dorothy, you're every bit as lovely as Stan said you were.
Dorothy: Oh, why, thank you!
Marvin: Stanley.
Stan: Yeah, right. Listen, Marv and I were talking, and you know how persuasive he can be, and he said that I should...and I thought that...well, he's the lawyer and that's what I'm paying him for, so why don't you?
Dorothy: Why don't I what?
Stan: Just sign. It's nothing big. It's a little prenuptial agreement that says...ahem...what's yours is yours, and what's mine is mine.
Dorothy: You want me to sign a prenuptial agreement. You want me to sign a prenuptial agreement? Stanley, whatever happened to openness and honesty and trust, not to mention the 38 years that I spent as your wife, your partner, the mother of your children - the woman who held down two jobs while you were at home staring at a matchbook trying to draw Winky!

TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche is a member of the Daughters of the Old South Heritage Club.

False. She wasn't accepted because her family tree isn't 100% Southern.
Episode 21 - Witness

In Season 5, Episode 26 - The President's Coming! Part 2, Dorothy says Blanche is a member of the Daughters of the Confederacy.

Dorothy has dinner with John Noretti, the man who stood her up for senior prom. At the restaurant, he tells her he's in town for a few days and wants to see her again before he leaves. She agrees but tells him not to stand her up again. He's surprised at her response. What does he tell Dorothy?

He did show up for prom, but Sophia sent him away because she didn't like the way he was dressed.
Episode 22 - What a Difference a Date Makes
Dorothy: Just make sure you show up this time.
John Noretti: What do you mean?
Dorothy: Well, you didn't show up at our last prom. Not that I ever think of it.
John Noretti: What are you talking about? I showed up.
Dorothy: What?
John Noretti: Yeah, your mother sent me away.
Dorothy: She what?
John Noretti: She said I was dressed like a bum and slammed the door in my face.
Dorothy: She what?!
John Noretti: Something wrong?
Dorothy: Oh no. No, not at all, but I tell you on the way out, I would like to stop at the gift shop. I'm going to be needing one of those spiked balls on a chain.

TRUE OR FALSE: When Stan's uncle Morris dies, he leaves Stan and Dorothy his house.

False. He leaves them an apartment building which makes them landlords and business partners.
Episode 23 - Love for Sale

Dorothy's teaching an honors program class. Unfortunately, it's not going the way she expected; the students are making her feel stupid. What lie does Sophia tell Dorothy to help her get along with her students?

She says when Dorothy was about 12, the school said she was the brightest kid in Brooklyn with an IQ of 173.
Episode 20 - Even Grandmas Get the Blues
Dorothy: But Ma, this is different. You know, I've always wanted to teach an honors class, but now that I am, well, the kids are making me feel stupid.
Sophia: Dorothy, I'm going to tell you something I never told you before. When you were about 12, and we lived in Brooklyn, they called me into the school to tell me you had the highest IQ in the borough.
Rose: Well, that's a coincidence. I was told I have the IQ of a burro.
Dorothy: Ma, I had no idea! The brightest kid in Brooklyn? Well, that certainly explains the feeling of being right all the time. What is it?
Sophia: 173.
Rose: I don't know if you know this, but a burro can find its way back home.
Dorothy: Have fun shopping, Rose.
Rose: Oh, I'll be back!

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose said the St. Olaf County jail is also a library.

False. It's also a deli.
Episode 25 - Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 2
Blanche: How's Sophia?
Dorothy: Well, she's over that crazy idea about Sicily, but she's still very concerned about going to jail.
Rose: Who wouldn't be? It's a terrifying prospect to think about. Prison? The coldness of it, the steel bars, the wedges of cheese hanging overhead tantalizingly just out of reach.
Dorothy: Let me guess. St. Olaf County Jail.
Rose: And deli.

Dorothy reluctantly confesses she keeps a sock drawer in her bedroom that's out of Sophia's reach. She says when her mother makes her crazy, she goes to her room and has "pretend time". What's inside the drawer?

Retirement home brochures
Episode 19 - Melodrama

Dorothy returns home from her date with John Noretti. For years, she believed he stood her up for senior prom, but the truth was revealed over dinner. She confronts Sophia about what happened that night. Why didn't her mother tell her John showed up?

When Sophia sent him away to change his clothes, he never came back. She didn't tell Dorothy because she thought she'd never forgive her.
Episode 22 - What a Difference a Date Makes

Sophia's brother Angelo comes to visit and confesses he's lost everything and has no place to live. He spent his money on expensive gifts and vacations for a beautiful, young aerobics instructor he fell in love with. She then leaves him for an American basketball player. Where does Dorothy suggest that Angelo stay?

In the apartment building Stan's uncle Morris left her and Stan.
Episode 23 - Love for Sale
Angelo: I met a beautiful, young Sicilian aerobics instructor - gorgeous eyes, angelic mouth, and a behind that must have been made on a Saturday because even the good Lord Himself would want to take a day off to admire it! I lost my heart, and I opened my wallet, eh? Oh, the expensive gifts and fancy dinners, and the weekends in Mykonos, eh? I even wore one of those tiny speedo swimsuits. Shows all your gingerbread and everything, yeah? And she leaves me. What does a 6 '7 American basketball player got that I don't?
Blanche: Well, Angelo, speaking in terms of the gingerbread alone-
Dorothy: Blanche!

Blanche calls her backup boyfriend if one of her dates cancels. She describes him as "Fred Flintstone with a better car". What is his name?

Mel Bushman
Episode 19 - Melodrama
Blanche: I'll call Mel Bushman!
Dorothy: Of course. Mel Bushman. Old reliable. Mr. Backup. How long has it been? What? Three years that the two of you have been insignificant others.
Blanche: Yeah, I guess it has been. You know, Mel and I have something really unique. We're like...well, I don't know. What do you call it when two people get together when they need somebody but don't make demands on each other when they're apart?
Sophia: Out-call massage.

TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia enjoys looking through the obituaries to see the ages of people who died younger than her.

Episode 26 - Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser

When the girls attend the Daughters of the Old South initiation banquet in support of Blanche, Rose confides in her date Karl that Miles is back, and he's staying with her. She isn't aware Karl is The Cheeseman, the gangster looking for Miles. What happens when the girls return home from the banquet?

The Cheeseman holds them hostage at gunpoint.
Episode 21 - Witness

TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy lost her self-esteem when she thought John Noretti stood her up for the senior prom. She got pregnant by her ex-husband Stan and eventually married him because she didn't think she could do better.

Episode 22 - What a Difference a Date Makes

Dorothy reluctantly agrees to participate in the bachelorette auction for the children's hospital charity; her last experience was awful. To Dorothy's embarrassment and dismay, who shows up and outbids everyone and wins the auction to be her date?

Episode 23 - Love for Sale
Rose: Alright, now let's start the bidding at $5!
Male Bidder: $5
Stan: $100
Dorothy: Stanley, what are you doing here?
Stan: Buying a date with the woman I love.
Dorothy: Oh, jeez. Not in front of people.

What was the date of the Shady Pines retirement home fire?

September 4, 1985
Episode 24 - Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 1

Which Golden Girl's ex-boyfriend is an obituary editor and listed her in the local newspaper as dead to get revenge for dumping him?

Episode 26 - Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser
Sophia: 78, yes. 64, yes. 81, yes!
Dorothy: Ma, what are you doing?
Sophia: Reading the obituaries and checking out the people who died younger than I am now. 83, close one. 68, whoa!
Blanche: What is it?
Sophia: You!
Blanche: What about me?
Sophia: You're dead.
Blanche: Say what?
Sophia: I told you. You're dead. You must be, it says so in the paper.
Blanche: "Blanche Devereaux, age 68-" 68!
Dorothy: That's terrible. They're almost as far off on your age as you are. I wonder how this could've happened.
Blanche: I know how it happened because I know who took that picture - Chugger Dietz, the obituary editor. I never dreamed when I dropped him he'd be so vindictive. 68! Can you believe that? 68!
Dorothy: And dead. Don't forget dead.

When The Cheeseman comes to the house, he holds Miles and the girls hostage at gunpoint. He tells the girls he's going to lock them in a closet, and he and Miles are going for a walk. How do they get out of this dangerous situation?

When their neighbor, Barbara Weston, returns Sophia's lost glasses, she arrests The Cheeseman because she's a cop.
Episode 21 - Witness

When the girls participate in a charity bachelorette auction, which Golden Girl raises the most money?

Dorothy. Stan bid $500 for her.
Episode 23 - Love for Sale
Dorothy: Oh, who's keeping score? What's important is that we made a lot of money. I mean, together we made a consid- they were fighting over me, did you see it!?
Blanche: Well Dorothy, to be fair, one of them was Stan.
Dorothy: Do I sense a tinge of envy there Miss Going-Going-Gone-for-$25.50?
Blanche: You can't put a price tag on beauty, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Oh, sure you can. $25.50.