The Golden Girls Trivia: Season 6

In the sixth season of The Golden Girls, not only do the girls walk a fine line between comedy and sincerity, but they do it with grace and ease. Blanche deals with a ghost from the past that meant a great deal to her, Dorothy is making tough decisions about her ex-husband Stan, Sophia's dealing with every parent's nightmare of out living their children, and Rose's childhood dream comes true about meeting a family member that she always imagined. How much detail do you know about how the girls handled these topics? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.

Blanche receives a letter from her younger brother Clayton saying he's coming to Miami, and he has a big surprise. Blanche thinks he wants her to meet his girlfriend, but what is Clayton's big reveal?

His boyfriend Doug
Episode 14 - Sisters of the Bride
Blanche: Clayton!
Clayton: Blanche!
Blanche: Oh! You're still the handsomest man I know.
Clayton: And you're still the prettiest thing I ever did see!
Dorothy: Now, I know why they call it the Deep South.
Blanche: You remember everybody.
Clayton: Oh ladies, it is so good to see you again.
Blanche: Alright now, baby brother, I've waited all week. Where is it? Where's my surprise?
Doug: Hello, everyone!
Sophia: Surprise!
Blanche: You can just put the luggage over there.
Doug: Ok.
Blanche: Clay, I don't have any change to tip the driver.
Clayton: Uh, Blanche -
Blanche: I don't know why you took a cab from the airport.
Clayton: Blanche -
Blanche: You should've called me, I would've picked you up.
Clayton: Blanche. This is Doug. He's my friend. My very special friend.
Blanche: Well, any friend of Clay's - ah so.

Sophia gets the flu, and the doctor advises resting for at least three weeks. Dorothy's busy with work, but Sophia needs a caretaker during the day. How does Dorothy get her mother to willingly go to the retirement home Cypress Grove?

She and the owner Mr. Porter plan to have Sophia at Cypress Grove under the guise of working as the Activities Director.
Episode 18 - Older and Wiser
Dorothy: Rose, I'm concerned about Ma's first day at Cypress Grove.
Rose: Oh! I'm sure she'll do a fine job.
Dorothy: No, Rose, you don't understand. She only thinks that she has a job. I worked it out with the owner, Mr. Porter. This flu has really knocked her for a loop, and her doctor says she has to rest for at least three weeks. I've been working so much, I figured this is the only way I can get someone to keep an eye on her during the day.
Rose: Dorothy, that's dishonest!
Dorothy: Well, she wouldn't have gone for it if I told her the truth. And oh! Like you never told a lie?
Rose: That's right! I've never told a lie. Well, just once when I snuck out of class to go to the movies.
Dorothy: That's not much of a lie.
Rose: That's what I thought. Turned out to be the day they taught everything.
Dorothy: The final piece of the puzzle.

Blanche is looking for a new roommate because Dorothy is marrying Stan and moving out. What American actress, singer, businesswoman, and leading lady of the hit movie Singin' in the Rain plays Truby, the potential new roommate?

Debbie Reynolds
Episode 17 - There Goes the Bride, Part 2
Blanche: Hello! Are you Truby?
Truby: Yes. Blanche?
Blanche: Yes! Come on in! Meet everybody. Rose. Dorothy. That's Sophia. Won't you sit down?
Truby: Oh, yes. Thanks! Well, who's the lucky bride?
Sophia: You must be referring to the once and future, Mrs. Yutz.
Truby: My husband passed just last summer.
Dorothy: Aww!
Rose: Passed what?
Dorothy: A slow-moving winnebago, Rose.
Rose: Oh, I hate when I get stuck behind one of those!
Truby: He's dead, sweetie. But hey, I'm used to it. I put three in the ground. Well, what can I tell you? I like them old, rich, and barely breathing.
Blanche: Why don't I show you the rest of the house? Do you mind if I ask how old you are?
Truby: Oh, about as old as you are.
Blanche: To lose a husband that young...

Dorothy feels guilty when Sophia needs surgery for a hernia; she asked her mother to move a sofa, and she's been in pain ever since. After the operation, Sophia confesses to Dorothy the real reason behind how she got the hernia. How did she get it?

Sophia and her friends were pushing a car
Episode 2 - Once, in St. Olaf
Dorothy: Oh Ma, I'm so sorry about everything. I'm sorry I asked you to move that sofa. I'm sorry that you're sick. I swear, I'll never ask you to move furniture again. Oh God, I'm just so happy you're safe!
Sophia: Speaking of God, I made a little promise that if He got me through this operation alive, I would tell you the truth about how I got this hernia.
Dorothy: You mean, not from lifting up the sofa?
Sophia: Oh please, it's wicker. A few of us gals thought it would be funny to put Gladys' VW on the lawn while she was having her feet sanded. And that's why I'm on this gurney, Pussycat.

Sophia's making Salsa Grandioso for the Festival of the Dancing Virgins, and wants to teach Dorothy the recipe. It takes weeks to make the sauce and has 152 ingredients. For 1400 years, Sophia's family passed the recipe from mother to daughter, and each one improved it in some way. What did Sophia add to the recipe?

A mouthful of wine
Episode 20 - Even Grandmas Get the Blues
Sophia: I have to make Salsa Grandioso again, and this time, I'm going to teach you how.
Dorothy: Oh, Ma. Not the sauce, Ma. No, no. I mean, that takes weeks! There are 152 ingredients. I just don't have the time.
Sophia: Dorothy, for 1400 years, the women in our family have been handing this recipe down from mother to daughter. Each generation improves upon it in some way. Like, for instance, it was my great-grandmother who added heat.
Rose: What did you add, Sophia?
Sophia: A mouthful of wine. It was an accident. A delicious accident.

Rose has been nominated for the Volunteer Vanguard Award again, and she's super excited about winning. She's lost seven times to Agnes Bradshaw, but this time she's confident about winning. Why does she feel this way?

Agnes Bradshaw is dead.
Episode 14 - Sisters of the Bride
Dorothy: Rose, honey! Congratulations! I hear you've been nominated again for the volunteer of the year award.
Rose: Yep! Seven years I've been nominated for the Volunteer Vanguard Award and seven years I've had to watch Agnes Bradshaw snatch it away from me. Well, she's not going to do that this year. This year I'm finally going to beat her! I'm going to win.
Dorothy: Why, because you worked harder than Agnes?
Rose: Because she's dead. Yep, as a doornail. Dead, dead, dead. Coffee?
Blanche: Rose! How can you be so cheery? It's a terrible thing.
Rose: Come on! She was 89, and she died in her sleep.
Blanche: She fell asleep driving the bookmobile.
Rose: It was a tragedy. She was my only real competition. Dead, dead, dead. Muffin?

Which Golden Girl said she was struck by lightning once?

Episode 18 - Older and Wiser
Blanche: Afternoon, Dorothy! My, don't you look lovely today.
Dorothy: Why, thank you! Oh, and don't you look beautiful, vivacious, exquisite, and, uh...uh, let's see, breathtaking?
Blanche: Dorothy, you know at some point, I'm going to have to start questioning your sincerity. When we get to that point, I'll let you know.
Rose: Can you believe it? I'm beginning to think Blanche is hung up on her looks.
Dorothy: Boy, you don't need lightning to strike you.
Rose: No, thanks. Not again. Once was enough!
Dorothy: An extra piece of the puzzle.

Which Golden Girl got married outdoors in February?

Episode 17 - There Goes the Bride, Part 2
Blanche: Oh, you just look so beautiful! You know, this reminds me of the day I married George. Oh, it was an exquisite wedding. Five hundred people in that big old church, and I didn't have any underwear on.
Dorothy: Why?
Blanche: I just felt it was the right thing to do.
Rose: My wedding was outdoors. February 12th, I 'll never forget it. I wore the most beautiful white flannel wedding gown. It even had feet sewn in.
Dorothy: Oh, when Stan and I were married, Stan was crying, I was crying, Ma was crying, all for different reasons, but if you didn't know us, it looked touching.

Blanche wants to join the Daughters of the Old South heritage club, but she has to prove that her family is "100% Southern Confederate stock". As she and Dorothy review her family's documents, they discover Blanche's great-grandmother is from Buffalo, NY, and her maiden name is Feldman. What does this mean for Blanche?

She's not 100% southern, and she's part Jewish.
Episode 21 - Witness
Blanche: Dorothy, I'm about done with this side of the family tree. I think you have the papers there from the Roque marriage.
Dorothy: Oh yeah, wait a minute. Oh yeah, here. Uh, Walker Roque married Rosalyn Roque, 1861. Rosalyn was from...uh oh.
Blanche: What?
Dorothy: Well, I hate telling you this, Blanche. No, that's not true. I look forward to telling you this, Blanche. The woman your great-grandfather married was born, well, outside of Georgia.
Blanche: How far outside of Georgia?
Dorothy: Buffalo. You're a Yankee, Blanche!
Blanche: Oh no, this can't be.
Dorothy: A Yankee Doodle.
Blanche: There must be some mistake.
Dorothy: You are that Yankee Doodle gal!
Blanche: Let me see the certificate. I want to see with my own eyes that my great-grandmother is...that thing you said.
Dorothy: A Yankee!
Blanche: Right.
Dorothy: A Yankee Doodle!
Blanche: Oh, stop it! Oh, my God.
Dorothy: Oh, did I mention her last name was Feldman?

Dorothy's school is performing a series of plays based on favorite children's stories to encourage kids to read during spring vacation. Dorothy is in charge of the first grade production. What story are they acting out?

Henny Penny
Episode 26 - Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser
Dorothy: You know, I'm really excited about this. We're doing Henny Penny. You know, "Help, help! The sky is falling!"
Blanche: Oh, that was never one of my favorites. There's no prince in it. I like a fairy tale with a nice prince in it. A handsome prince with a big old codpiece and deep, dark eyes...powerful thighs and muscles rippling beneath his tunic.
Dorothy: Blanche, you could get aroused by Humpty Dumpty.
Blanche: Are you kidding? All the king's horses and all the king's men? Handsome men with deep, dark eyes and powerful thighs and muscles and big old codpieces.
Dorothy: Blanche, how do you make it through an omelet?

Blanche is having a difficult time accepting that her brother Clayton is gay even after he brings his boyfriend Doug to Miami. Clayton tells Blanche he brought Doug to meet her for a very important reason. What is the reason?

He and Doug are getting married.
Episode 14 - Sisters of the Bride

As the Activities Director of the Cypress Grove retirement home, Sophia takes the guests for a walk; they're gone for six hours. When they return, the owner Mr. Porter is upset and tells Sophia the truth - she doesn't really work there. How does Sophia feel?

She's embarrassed and feels like an old fool.
Episode 18 - Older and Wiser

On the day of Dorothy and Stan's wedding, Blanche and Rose say Dorothy needs "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue". They give her something new, borrowed, and blue. What was her "something old"?

Sophia. She gives Dorothy her blessing to marry Stan.
Episode 17 - There Goes the Bride, Part 2

When Miles learns The Cheeseman (the Chicago kingpin and gangster he's been hiding from) is still alive, he goes back into witness protection. What is Miles' new name and identity?

Samuel Plankmaker and he's Amish
Episode 21 - Witness

In celebration of her anniversary, which Golden Girl goes on a diet every year to fit into her wedding dress and have her picture taken?

Episode 22 - What a Difference a Date Makes
Rose: You know, Blanche, you put yourself through this hell every year. Are you sure it's worth it?
Blanche: Of course, it's worth it! On my anniversary, every year since I was married, I have slipped into my wedding dress and had my picture taken. George was always so proud of me for staying svelte. And I'm going to get into that dress this year even if it kills me.
Sophia: It's not you I'm worried about. The last time you went on a diet, you turned into that guy from Silence of the Lambs. You did everything but butter my face!
Blanche: It's going to be different this time. See, I'm on this drink-it-off diet. You have two shakes and a sensible meal every day. You lose weight the fast, easy way.
Sophia: I prefer the Italian diet. You drink a bottle of wine, make a smart remark, then get your jaw wired.

Dorothy and Sophia plan the Volunteer Vanguard Award banquet. Dorothy's impressed by how her mother is securing great deals on various services like catering and flower arrangements. During the banquet, Dorothy notices the men on staff are very generous and flirty with her. Why is this?

Sophia secured services for the banquet by "selling" Dorothy.
Episode 14 - Sisters of the Bride

Blanche returns home from the drugstore and excitedly tells the girls she was approached by a photographer who wants to use her face for a Pennysaver print ad. Rose tags along to the shoot, and the photographer wants to use her hands. When they finally see the ad, they're appalled. What is it for?

Ponce de Leon anti-aging cream
Episode 18 - Older and Wiser

Right before their wedding ceremony, Stan introduces Dorothy to his best man, an American celebrity lawyer who pioneered the concept of palimony. What is his name?

Marvin Mitchelson
Episode 17 - There Goes the Bride, Part 2

After Miles returns to the Witness Protection Program, Rose dates a new man named Karl. She tells Karl that even though she can't see Miles anymore, she still has feelings for him. Karl is very curious about Miles and his whereabouts. What's his interest in Miles?

Karl is The Cheeseman, and he's looking for Miles. He's the reason Miles is in witness protection.
Episode 21 - Witness

Dorothy tells the girls she was stood up for senior prom by one of the toughest kids in her high school. He smoked, drank, and made rude noises under his armpits, but she was in love with him. He calls her almost 40 years later; he's in Miami and wants to see her. What is his name?

John Noretti
Episode 22 - What a Difference a Date Makes