Season 5, Episode 24 - "All Bets Are Off" Which Golden Girl is artistically talented and has a knack for painting horses? Answer Rose More trivia questions Season 6, Episode 23 - "Love for Sale" When The Girls participate in a charity bachelorette auction, which Golden Girl raises the most money? Season 6, Episode 10 - "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Before They Die" Rose decides to practice celibacy to help St. Olaf's crops. Blanche advises her to hide this from her boyfriend Miles and instead use abstinence to make him more attentive and affectionate. What happens between Rose and Miles? Season 4, Episode 6 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 1" Rose is excited when she receives a letter in the mail from the Elvis Presley fan club; she's been approved to run an unauthorized chapter. What is the name of the club? Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" Back in St. Olaf, Rose had a neighbor named Mean Old Lady Hickenlooper, who always looked angry and never smiled because she was born without smiling muscles. Rose told her that a smile is just an upside-down frown. What did Mean Old Lady Hickenlooper do every time Rose passed by? Season 2, Episode 25 - "A Piece of Cake" What was the first special occasion Rose spent alone after her husband Charlie died? Season 4, Episode 8 - "Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket?" After The Girls learn they're holding a winning lottery ticket, Blanche puts the ticket in the pocket of her new aviator jacket for safekeeping. They return home after a celebratory dinner, frantically searching for the jacket, but to no avail. What happened to the jacket? Season 4, Episode 4 - "Yokel Hero" The St. Olaf Woman of the Year blue ribbon panel, the Topplekoffer triplets, comes to the house to conduct a face-to-face interview with Rose because she's a candidate. Dorothy states the obvious about the brothers—they don't look anything alike. Why are they surprised by this? Season 6, Episode 20 - "Even Grandmas Get the Blues" Dorothy is teaching an honors program class. Unfortunately, it's not going the way she expected; the students are making her feel stupid. What lie does Sophia tell Dorothy to help her get along with her students? Season 3, Episode 13 - "The Artist" Blanche excitedly announces to Dorothy and Rose that Laszlo, the artist, wants to create a piece featuring a mature woman, and he thinks she's perfect for it. The piece will be displayed at his big art show at the museum. When Laszlo gives Blanche a key to his studio, what does he ask her? Season 1, Episode 14 - "That Was No Lady" After dating Glen O'Brien for 3 weeks, Dorothy excitedly suggests a trip to the Bahamas, but he says he can't go. What is his reason for not going? Season 7, Episode 21 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 2)" Which Golden Girl said the following: "My cupcakes are moist and delicious. Men love my cupcakes." Season 7, Episode 24 - "Home Again Rose, Part 2" Rose's daughter, Kirsten, arrives at the hospital just in time to see her mother before she goes into surgery. She refuses to allow The Girls to see Rose because they're not family. When Kirsten speaks to her mom, Rose asks her for a favor should something happen to her. What is it? Season 2, Episode 15 - "Before and After" After a recent health scare, Rose is living life to the fullest, but her new lifestyle (and new friends) are disrupting the household. When Dorothy and Blanche confront Rose, they believe she's being excessive, but Rose thinks they can't make the adjustment. What does Rose do? Season 7, Episode 4 - "That's for Me to Know" Rose feels guilty for calling the city inspector about the permit for the hot tub installation. In order for The Girls to continue living together, Blanche must obtain a boarding license and make home improvements, potentially costing $10,000. Unable to afford the expenses, The Girls vote on who should leave. Who do they unanimously vote for? Season 4, Episode 1 - "Yes, We Have No Havanas" While Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are out to dinner, they see Blanche's boyfriend, Fidel Santiago, with his arms around another woman. When Blanche confronts him, she's surprised to learn the other woman is whom? Season 4, Episode 1 - "Yes, We Have No Havanas" Blanche has been out 4 times with her "mystery man", and The Girls don't know anything about him. She says he's no secret, but there is one little thing about him. When he arrives at the house for a date with Blanche, what do The Girls notice about him? Season 7, Episode 23 - "Home Again Rose, Part 1" The Girls are relieved to learn that Rose is doing well after a mild cardiac episode. The doctor wants her to stay overnight for observation. When The Girls arrive the next day to pick up Rose, what does the nurse tell them? Season 7, Episode 10 - "Rose Loves Miles" Despite initially declining Blanche's invitation to dinner at an elegant restaurant with her wealthy Texan friends—feeling it would be a betrayal of Miles—Rose ultimately agrees to go. To her horror, Miles catches her there. Why is he at the restaurant? Season 6, Episode 10 - "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Before They Die" When Sophia takes sex and relationship advice from Blanche about her crush Tony Delveccio, Blanche tells her she should sleep with him. What does Blanche do to help Sophia be more attractive and desirable for her date with Tony?