Season 5, Episode 10 - "All That Jazz" Which Golden Girl implied that her husband was well endowed? Answer Rose More trivia questions Season 3, Episode 16 - "Grab That Dough" On their way to compete on the TV game show Grab That Dough, The Girls encounter some bad luck. With all the hotel rooms booked, they end up sleeping in the lobby. When they awake the next morning, they discover someone has "grabbed their dough". What happened? Season 6, Episode 1 - "Blanche Delivers" Blanche's daughter Rebecca comes to visit; she's pregnant via artificial insemination and expecting to give birth very soon. Blanche isn't comfortable with her daughter's approach to motherhood. When Rebecca says she wants to have her baby in Miami, why does this news bother her mother? Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" When Dorothy consoles Stanley about his wife, Chrissy, leaving him, they end up spending the night together. After The Girls find out, Dorothy reassures them it was a one-time event. How does Stanley feel about Dorothy? Season 3, Episode 17 - "My Brother, My Father" Sophia's brother Angelo from Sicily is visiting the family in Brooklyn, NY, but he wants to come to Miami to see Dorothy and Stan and wish them a happy 40th wedding anniversary. What favor does Sophia ask of Dorothy and Stan? Season 4, Episode 15 - "Valentine's Day" TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia was at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Season 3, Episode 20 - "And Ma Makes Three" Rose wants to run for Fashion Show Chairman of the Tinkerbells, but Blanche says she won't win because no one will vote for her. Rose replies that Blanche won't win either, since the committee is all-female. Why does Rose think this affects Blanche's ability to win? Season 3, Episode 9 - "A Visit from Little Sven" Rose wants her cousin Sven from St. Olaf to feel welcomed when he visits. She has worked late and barely had time to pick up a cake. She goes to the "Get It While It's Hot" erotic bake shop and gets a cake in the shape of....well, a man's member. What did Rose think it was in the shape of? Season 6, Episode 13 - "The Bloom Is Off the Rose" Which Golden Girl's boyfriend took her on a date to a thimble museum in the back of a sewing shop? Season 2, Episode 25 - "A Piece of Cake" Which Golden Girl once dreamed of being a ballerina? Season 6, Episode 11 - "Stand by Your Man" It's Saturday night, and Blanche doesn't have a date. Dorothy invites her to the library, and while they're there, Blanche meets a man named Ted. She strikes up a flirty conversation, and he asks her to dinner. As he's leaving, what does she learn about him that she didn't notice before? Season 4, Episode 13 - "The Impotence of Being Ernest" Rose and her beau Ernie Faber finally reach an intimate, sexual relationship. Ernie expresses his appreciation to Rose saying he overcame his impotence because of her warmth and understanding. After he thanks her for all she's done, what shocking news does he reveal to her? Season 5, Episode 17 - "Like the Beep Beep Beep of the Tom-Tom" Rose says that when she's scared, she sings the "lullaby" her mother used to sing to her, which gives her courage. What is the "lullaby"? Season 2, Episode 14 - "The Actor" When Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose learn that Patrick Vaughn has been dating all of them behind their backs, they are furious. Blanche calls him 'slime,' and Dorothy calls him 'pond scum.' Rose calls him gauflugennachon. What does that mean? Season 2, Episode 3 - "Take Him, He's Mine" When Stan comes to the house depressed about losing his business, he asks Dorothy out for dinner and a friendly shoulder to cry on. Dorothy already had plans for the evening, so she begs The Girls if one of them would take her place. Which Golden Girl reluctantly agrees to go out with Stan? Season 3, Episode 3 - "Bringing up Baby" Rose tells The Girls she's going to be a mother again because her Uncle Hingablotter left her custody of his baby. Dorothy and Blanche eagerly agree to help Rose, but when her uncle's legal counsel delivers the baby, what are they surprised to see? Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Break-In" Returning home from a Madonna concert, The Girls are horrified by what they see upon entering the house. What happened? Season 7, Episode 6 - "Mother Load" Blanche is dating Miami anchorman Jerry Kennedy, but his overbearing mother disapproves. To address this, they invite her over so Jerry can stand up to her in front of Blanche. Things get heated, and Jerry declares he will love whomever he wants and thanks Blanche for her support. What decision does he make? Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once dated Eddie Parker, the Aqua Midget, whose act was jumping off a stepladder into a gigantic punch bowl. Season 6, Episode 1 - "Blanche Delivers" Sophia's nickname for Dorothy is "Pussycat". Why does she call her that?