Season 5, Episode 1 - "Sick and Tired (Part 1)" Which Golden Girl said her destiny was to be a great romance novelist? Answer Blanche More trivia questions Season 6, Episode 19 - "Melodrama" Worried when her backup boyfriend, Mel Bushman, doesn't answer her repeated calls, Blanche fears the worst. Upon seeing him again, she realizes just how much he means to her. What does she say to him? Season 7, Episode 18 - "Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan" It is that time of year again: Sophia needs new shoes. She asks Dorothy to take her shoe shopping, but her daughter is strongly against it—and so is Blanche. Why do they feel this way about taking her shopping? Season 1, Episode 3 - "Rose the Prude" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose was not a virgin when she and Charlie got married. Season 6, Episode 9 - "Mrs. George Devereaux" After being wooed and chased by Lyle Waggoner and Sonny Bono, who does Dorothy finally choose? Season 2, Episode 19 - "Long Day's Journey Into Marinara" When Sophia's sister Angela from Sicily makes a surprise visit, Sophia suggests she move to Miami, and Angela agrees. Dorothy proposes to send for her things in Sicily while Angela stays with The Girls until she finds a place. Sophia is against her staying at the house. Why? Season 4, Episode 4 - "Yokel Hero" The St. Olaf Woman of the Year blue ribbon panel, the Topplekoffer triplets, comes to the house to conduct a face-to-face interview with Rose because she's a candidate. Dorothy states the obvious about the brothers—they don't look anything alike. Why are they surprised by this? Season 2, Episode 9 - "Joust Between Friends" As a teacher, Dorothy is required to take a 10-week leave from the school system, so Blanche gets her a job at the museum where she works. Their boss, Mr. Allen, asks Dorothy to plan the banquet that Blanche is normally in charge of. Why does Mr. Allen give the responsibility to Dorothy? Season 6, Episode 9 - "Mrs. George Devereaux" Nine years after faking his death, Blanche's husband, George, reappears, wanting to reconcile. They fondly reminisce about meeting at the university club cotillion. She leans in to embrace him and to her disappointment, what happens? Season 6, Episode 4 - "Snap Out of It" Which Golden Girl has an 8-track player in her car? Season 3, Episode 2 - "One for the Money" Sophia is obsessed with money, constantly thinking of new money-making gimmicks to score a quick buck. Why does she want the money? Season 5, Episode 8 - "That Old Feeling" Which Golden Girl makes a point of calling out customers in the express line of the grocery store if they have more than 10 items? Season 6, Episode 11 - "Stand by Your Man" Their neighbor Harry Weston's dog Dreyfuss has puppies, and Rose enjoys having them over to play. Naturally, she's excited when Harry says The Girls can keep one of the puppies. How does Blanche respond to having a pet? Season 6, Episode 13 - "The Bloom Is Off the Rose" Rose and Miles have reached a plateau in their relationship; everything they do is boring for Rose, even sex. To add some excitement to their union, Rose enrolls the two of them into what kind of class? Season 6, Episode 18 - "Older and Wiser" Blanche and Rose are delighted when a photographer chooses them for a Pennysaver ad featuring Blanche's face and Rose's hands. However, they're horrified when they receive an advance copy of the ad in the mail. What is it for? Season 1, Episode 4 - "Transplant" What are the names of Blanche's two sisters? Season 7, Episode 16 - "The Commitments" Despite several dates with Jerry, Blanche is disappointed by his lack of physical affection. Confused and insecure, she lures him to a hotel room with the intention of seducing him. However, her aggressive advances backfire, insulting Jerry, who abruptly leaves. Why hasn't Jerry pursued a physical relationship with her? Season 4, Episode 6 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 1" Rose gets approved to run an unauthorized chapter of the Elvis Presley fan club, but Blanche serves as president of the club while Rose is secretary. Why? Season 1, Episode 3 - "Rose the Prude" How does Rose say her late husband Charlie died? Season 1, Episode 6 - "On Golden Girls" When Blanche's grandson, David, comes to visit, Blanche waits at the airport to pick him up, but he never shows. He eventually arrives at the house with a police officer. Where does the officer say David was?