The Golden Girls Trivia: Season 4

In the fourth season of The Golden Girls, the good times and shenanigans are plenty...and so are the romantic escapades! Blanche refuses to be defeated by any woman when it comes to a man, Rose is sincerely pure-hearted and enjoys the simple things in life, Sophia gets more accomplished in one day by herself than all the girls combined, and Dorothy is learning to move on from her ex-husband Stan and try new relationships. How much detail do you know about how the girls handled these topics? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.

TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia and Dorothy were once casted as a mother-daughter duo for a nationwide pizza commercial.

True. The commercial was never finished because Sophia thought the pizza was awful and refused to endorse it.
Episode 20 - High Anxiety

Who does Rose visually recognize to be her high school history teacher Fritz Shticklemeyer?

Adolph Hitler
Episode 1 - Yes, We Have No Havanas
Dorothy: Rose, the question was, "Who was the leader of the Third Reich?" You wrote Fritz Shticklemeyer, your high school history teacher. The correct answer is Adolph Hitler.
Rose: Where's my history book? Is this the man we're talking about?
Dorothy: Yes, that is Adolph Hitler.
Rose: You can call him whatever you want, but that's Fritz Shticklemeyer. I'm as sure of that as I am that's Eva Braun standing next to him.
Dorothy: You recognize Eva Braun?
Rose: Well sure, she was our high school P.E. teacher! It was rumored she used to date Mr. Shticklemeyer.

The girls receive a flyer in the mail advertising a dirty dancing class at a local dance studio. Blanche convinces Rose to take the classes with her. What are the girls surprised to learn after their first lesson?

Rose is a natural at dirty dancing, and Blanche is having a hard time.
Episode 24 - Foreign Exchange
Dorothy: Hi. Tell me, how did the class go?
Blanche: Oh, not so bad, really. Although it was harder than I expected, but I’m sure that in time I’ll be able to master the technique and absorb the subtleties.
Rose: She stunk. But the teacher said I was a natural!
Dorothy: Let me get this straight. Blanche couldn't get the hang of dirty dancing, but you could?
Blanche: Dorothy, now do you see why I'm so embarrassed? Can you imagine a dance with movements just like making love, and I can't do it?
Dorothy: Relax, Blanche. Maybe standing up is what's throwing you.

Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are at the pharmacy picking up last-minute items for their cruise in the Bahamas with their gentlemen friends. What does Blanche suggest they purchase, but Dorothy and Rose are too embarrassed to buy?

Episode 15 - Valentine's Day
Blanche: Well, we are going away for a romantic weekend to the Bahamas with Jeff and Rich and Randy. In this day and age, it might be a good idea to take along some... protection.
Rose: What kind of protection?
Dorothy: Two armed Pinkerton guards.

What world famous Spanish singer-songwriter takes Sophia out to Wolfie's Deli for Valentine's Day?

Julio Iglesias
Episode 15 - Valentine's Day

Sophia accidentally overturns a bottle of pills prescribed to Rose, but Rose can't fulfill the prescription until after the holiday. The girls notice how explosive Rose's behavior is without her medication. When they ask her what the pills are for, what does she say?

She pulled a plow and injured her back over 30 years ago in St. Olaf.
Episode 20 - High Anxiety

Which Golden Girl got caught with the Orkin man?

Episode 24 - Foreign Exchange

Blanche has been out four times with her "mystery man", and the girls don't know anything about him. She says he's no secret, but there is one little thing about him. When he arrives at the house for a date with Blanche, what do the girls notice about him?

He's much older than Blanche.
Episode 1 - Yes, We Have No Havanas

Before Rose's sister Holly arrives in Miami for a visit, Rose tells the girls she doesn't like her, and they haven't gotten along since they were kids. During her stay, Holly hangs out with Dorothy and Blanche, but Rose is convinced her sister is excluding her on purpose. How do Dorothy and Blanche feel about this?

They believe Rose is overreacting, and they don't want to be in the middle of Rose and Holly's misunderstandings.
Episode 21 - Little Sister

To help another senior citizen get a refund on a recent purchase in the grocery store, Sophia pretends to be her representation as the past president and legal counsel of an organization called N.O.P.R.L. What does this stand for?

Network of Older People Retired but Living
Episode 2 - The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo

The girls agree to stay up all night with Rose to help her kick her pill habit. They play a board game called Gubenspritzer that Rose says is like Monopoly, but how is it different?

Instead of Atlantic City, the game is based on St. Olaf geography.
Episode 20 - High Anxiety

Dorothy teaches history for an adult education program; it's for people who didn't receive their high school diploma. As she's calling the attendance roll, who is she surprised to see sitting in her classroom?

Episode 1 - Yes, We Have No Havanas

Dorothy is a nervous wreck after Philomena and Dominic Bosco arrive and say there's a possibility she's their daughter. They believe Dorothy and their daughter Gina were switched at birth. Sophia agrees to go to the hospital for a blood test. What is the result of the test?

We don't know. Sophia tore it in half and left it in the waiting room.
Episode 24 - Foreign Exchange

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once spent a month in the hospital to kick a pill habit she had for 30 years.

Episode 20 - High Anxiety

Which Golden Girl once went cold turkey and gave up sex?

Episode 20 - High Anxiety

When Sophia tells Dorothy she volunteered to dogsit Dreyfuss while their neighbors the Westons are out of town, Dorothy is adamantly against it. Why?

She believes she'll end up taking care of Dreyfuss.
Episode 21 - Little Sister

Which Golden Girl believes the size of a man's ears is directly proportional to the size of his other bodily organs?

Episode 2 - The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo

Which Golden Girl said she never officially graduated from high school due to contracting mononucleosis or "mono" because she participated in a kissing booth before graduation?

Episode 1 - Yes, We Have No Havanas

Rose also said she was valedictorian at her high school. (Season 3, Episode 5 - Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself)

Dorothy: Rose? Rose! You never graduated from high school?
Rose: Not officially. Three weeks before graduation, I was asked to be in the kissing booth at the Founder's Day Fair. Unfortunately, the first boy I kissed had a nasty case of mono. Well, that afternoon I passed it along to 50 young men, and one very confused female P.E. teacher who smelled of Old Spice. I slept day and night for the next six months, and when I finally woke up, I had missed my graduation and the integration of major league baseball!

Dorothy and Sophia return home after attending the funeral of Sophia's best friend Edith Flannery. Dorothy wants to spend more quality time with her mother, so she suggests they go away for the weekend. When she tells Sophia to choose the location, where does she want to go?

Disney World
Episode 16 - Two Rode Together

Which Golden Girl is artistically talented and has a knack for illustrating children's storybooks?

Episode 16 - Two Rode Together