Season 4, Episode 24 - "Foreign Exchange" Where was Dorothy born? Answer Brooklyn, NY More trivia questions Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" Back in St. Olaf, Rose had a neighbor named Mean Old Lady Hickenlooper, who always looked angry and never smiled because she was born without smiling muscles. Rose told her that a smile is just an upside-down frown. What did Mean Old Lady Hickenlooper do every time Rose passed by? Season 4, Episode 1 - "Yes, We Have No Havanas" Blanche and Sophia are in fierce competition over Fidel Santiago. Sophia believes he wants more than a cheap thrill, but Blanche thinks otherwise. They both agree to keep dating him, but boundaries are set. What is the rule? Season 1, Episode 22 - "Job Hunting" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose's hobbies are cheese-making, stamp collecting, and Viking history. Season 5, Episode 2 - "Sick and Tired (Part 2)" Blanche has been awake for 72 hours writing her romance novel; she's completely exhausted and delirious. Rose attempts to get her into bed, but Blanche says she's too tired to sleep. What does she tell Rose to do to put her to sleep? Season 7, Episode 17 - "Questions and Answers" Rose has been feeling a little down in the dumps lately after volunteering at the hospital. She expresses how difficult it is to be around elderly and sick people for extended periods. In an effort to lift her spirits, what do Dorothy and Blanche give her? Season 1, Episode 19 - "Second Motherhood" Which Golden Girl said she's afraid of dating wealthy men because she believes rich people think more about money than they do about people? Season 3, Episode 4 - "The Housekeeper" TRUE OR FALSE: According to Rose, the people of St. Olaf celebrate the 4th of July with a thin omelet on a bun. Season 7, Episode 20 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 1)" The guests mingle and enjoy themselves at Blanche's Moonlight Madness party. When she finally makes her grand entrance, she's disappointed to find none of the men are attracted to her. She had high hopes for romance this evening. After talking to the rest of The Girls, what is she surprised to learn? Season 2, Episode 12 - "Sisters" When Dorothy attempts to surprise Sophia by flying in her sister, Angela, from Sicily, she learns that Sophia and Angela haven't spoken in 30 years because of a fight. What was the fight about? Season 2, Episode 7 - "Family Affair" What does Dorothy's son Michael do for a living? Season 4, Episode 1 - "Yes, We Have No Havanas" While Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are out to dinner, they see Blanche's boyfriend, Fidel Santiago, with his arms around another woman. When Blanche confronts him, she's surprised to learn the other woman is whom? Season 6, Episode 2 - "Once, in St. Olaf" While working at the hospital admitting desk, Rose meets Brother Martin, a monk who thinks he recognizes her. He's from St. Olaf, too. As they share their histories, Brother Martin suddenly realizes their pasts are deeply intertwined. How are they connected? Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Break-In" Which Golden Girl believed her jewelry was stolen during a burglary and reported it to the police, only to later remember she had hidden it in the freezer? Season 3, Episode 3 - "Bringing up Baby" When The Girls learn Uncle Hingablotter's Baby is a pig, Rose is over the moon, but Dorothy and Blanche are against taking care of it. After talking to Uncle Hingablotter's legal counsel, Dorothy and Blanche eagerly approve. What does he say that changes their minds? Season 7, Episode 20 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 1)" After Rose and Miles announce their engagement at Blanche's party, he confides his doubts to Dorothy, who reassures him it's just pre-wedding jitters. Miles observes similarities between himself and Dorothy; they have more in common than he and Rose. What happens between Dorothy and Miles? Season 2, Episode 13 - "The Stan Who Came to Dinner" The night before Stan is admitted to the hospital for heart surgery, he worries something will go wrong during the operation and that he's going to die. He tells Dorothy he loves her, but there are some things he needs to confess. What does he tell her? Season 2, Episode 11 - "'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas" One Christmas, The Girls agree with Rose to celebrate the holiday St. Olaf-style by exchanging gifts they made for each other. What does Blanche give each of The Girls? Season 4, Episode 4 - "Yokel Hero" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose was nominated for St. Olaf Woman of the Year, and she won. Season 4, Episode 2 - "The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo" Sophia spent a day full of activities: she helped another older woman get a refund at the market, she directed a senior citizen's boardwalk band to raise money for a local clinic, and she volunteered at the hospital. What did Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose accomplish that day?