Season 4, Episode 23 - "Rites of Spring" TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia said for 50 years, she's weighed 99 pounds. Answer True More trivia questions Season 7, Episode 5 - "Where's Charlie?" Before Charlie died, he and Rose agreed on a signal if he wanted to contact her from beyond the grave. What was the signal? Season 3, Episode 14 - "Blanche's Little Girl" Which Golden Girl didn't speak to her daughter for almost 4 years after she dropped out of school to become a fashion model in Paris? Season 6, Episode 11 - "Stand by Your Man" After their intimate night together, Blanche feels more comfortable with Ted and his wheelchair, and she grows fond of him. When he mentions an upcoming trip to Philadelphia, she impulsively invites herself along, but he tells her he can't take her. Why can't she go? Season 1, Episode 17 - "Nice and Easy" TRUE OR FALSE: After the shocking death of their reverend, who was shot and killed by the husband of the woman with whom he was having an affair, Rose's family left the Protestant church. A week later, they became Lutherans. Season 4, Episode 2 - "The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose agrees that the best way to educate someone on the evils of wasting time is by telling a long, tedious St. Olaf story. Season 4, Episode 5 - "Bang the Drum, Stanley" TRUE OR FALSE: Stan is so cheap that he owns a timeshare dog. Season 3, Episode 2 - "One for the Money" TRUE OR FALSE: When Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose enter a couples charity dance marathon, Rose wins the first prize of $1,000. Season 1, Episode 25 - "The Way We Met" What movie do The Girls watch that scares them and keeps them up one night talking and eating cheesecake? Season 5, Episode 22 - "Cheaters" Dorothy brings her beau Glen O'Brien home to meet The Girls. Right before they walk into the house, Glen asks Dorothy something very important. What is it? Season 5, Episode 20 - "Twice in a Lifetime" Blanche and Rose often have late-night conversations with Sophia. After their talks, Sophia kisses them good night, but only Blanche gets a piece of hard candy. Why doesn't Sophia give candy to Rose? Season 7, Episode 21 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 2)" TRUE OR FALSE: On the night of Blanche's Moonlight Madness party, she meets Derek, whom she believes is her soulmate, but is actually a professional jewelry thief who steals her car. Season 6, Episode 22 - "What a Difference a Date Makes" Dorothy has dinner with John Noretti, the man who stood her up for senior prom. He says he's in town for a few days and wants to see her again before he leaves, but she warns him not to stand her up again. He's surprised at her response. What does he tell Dorothy? Season 4, Episode 7 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 2" Sophia and Max return from their honeymoon and stay with The Girls because they don't have a place. After 3 weeks, the new living arrangement becomes frustrating, so they look for their own place. They end up leasing a rundown concession stand on the beach. Why? Season 6, Episode 8 - "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sophia?" Blanche comes home flustered after a car accident. She likes to meet rich men by gently rear-ending their fancy cars, but this time, after getting cut off, she hit the wrong one. When Rose asks if her car was damaged, what does Blanche say? Season 2, Episode 1 - "End of the Curse" Blanche goes to the doctor's office after receiving a positive home pregnancy test. When she returns home, she's distraught and depressed. She says her condition is much worse than pregnancy and that her life is over. What does the doctor tell her? Season 5, Episode 13 - "Mary Had a Little Lamb" The Girls are surprised by an unexpected visit from their 16-year-old neighbor, Mary. She's pregnant and her father put her out, necessitating her search for employment and a place to stay. When The Girls hear this, how do they respond? Season 1, Episode 15 - "In a Bed of Rose's" The Girls are having breakfast in the kitchen when Sophia enters and announces that Rose's beau, Al Beatty, is in her bed. Rose is horrified, as she didn't want them to know he had spent the night. To add insult to injury, what else does Sophia say? Season 1, Episode 14 - "That Was No Lady" Dorothy experiences love at first sight with a handsome gym teacher she met at the school where she has been substitute teaching. He asked her out to dinner during their first encounter. What is his name? Season 6, Episode 26 - "Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser" Despite days of rehearsal for Dorothy's school production of Henny Penny, Rose is appalled upon learning the ending, objecting to its exposure of children to a horror story. Why doesn't she like the ending?