Season 4, Episode 20 - "High Anxiety"
TRUE OR FALSE: Back in St. Olaf, Bessie was a big, fat lady who pulled farm plows for a living.
Dorothy: Rose, what are those pills for?
Rose: The doctor prescribed them when I wrenched my back.
Blanche: I didn't know you'd hurt your back.
Rose: Oh, it's an old farm injury from St. Olaf. I'll never forget when it happened. It was time to plant the crops, but after 17 years of pulling a plow, poor old Bessie was worn out.
Dorothy: Well, why didn’t you just get another mule?
Rose: Bessie wasn’t a mule. She was a big, fat lady who pulled farm plows for a living.
Blanche: For God’s sake! What about tractors?
Rose: Well, come on, Blanche! If she was too old to pull a plow, how could she ever pull a tractor?
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