Season 4, Episode 13 - "The Impotence of Being Ernest" Which Golden Girl said she never learned how to ride a bicycle? Answer Rose More trivia questions Season 3, Episode 25 - "Mother's Day" As a high school senior, Blanche fell for Deck Bovinglowe, a 40-year-old unemployed, twice-divorced father of three. After a mere month of courtship, he proposed during cheerleading practice. Why did Blanche want to marry him? Season 4, Episode 1 - "Yes, We Have No Havanas" What is the name of the charming, older Cuban gentleman that Blanche and Sophia fight over while dating simultaneously? Season 2, Episode 7 - "Family Affair" Blanche injures her back during aerobics class and goes to the doctor for an examination. He tells her not to have any physical activity for a week. Why is this a dilemma for her? Season 2, Episode 16 - "And Then There Was One" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose babysit for a charity walkathon. Afterward, all the children are picked up except for baby Emily. As The Girls try to locate her parents, Emily cries incessantly. Which Golden Girl is the only one able to quiet Emily when she holds her? Season 7, Episode 10 - "Rose Loves Miles" Rose complains to Blanche that Miles has become more than frugal lately; he's downright cheap. When she asked him to take her somewhere special, he took her to the "theater of the living", followed by free refreshments. Where did he take Rose? Season 3, Episode 25 - "Mother's Day" Dorothy and Stan once visited his mother on Mother's Day, presenting her with a gift. Dorothy said, "The minute we saw it, we knew it was for you." What did they give her? Season 7, Episode 9 - "The Monkey Show, Part 2" When Dorothy discovers that her mother orchestrated Gloria and Stan's union, she is furious. She confronts Sophia, expressing that she never takes her feelings into consideration and refuses to be treated that way. Realizing her mistake, her mother seeks advice. Who does she go to? Season 7, Episode 14 - "Old Boyfriends" Rose gets a visit from Thor Anderson, a man claiming to be an old flame from St. Olaf. He's excited about seeing her, but Rose has no idea who he is, even after 2 dates with him. She invites him to dinner at the house and begs Blanche to join them so she can ask questions Rose can't. When he excuses himself to go to the bathroom, what does he do that jogs Rose's memory? Season 7, Episode 7 - "Dateline: Miami" Which Golden Girl went on a dinner date with a man that was arrested for being the "Freeway Flasher"? Season 3, Episode 6 - "Letter to Gorbachev" When Rose takes her Sunshine Cadet troop out for pizza, Dorothy and Blanche get a visit from Alexi Buvnov of the Russian Embassy. He tells them Gorbachev was moved by Rose's letter about her concerns regarding nuclear war. What does he tell them that leaves them speechless? Season 1, Episode 3 - "Rose the Prude" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose was not a virgin when she and Charlie got married. Season 4, Episode 16 - "Two Rode Together" Sophia said she's waited her whole life to ride a particular roller coaster; it's the reason she wanted to go to Disney World. What space-themed indoor attraction does she finally get to experience when Dorothy takes her to Disney World? Season 2, Episode 6 - "Big Daddy's Little Lady" TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia once looked through the obituaries to line up dates. Season 3, Episode 8 - "Brotherly Love" TRUE OR FALSE: Back in St. Olaf, Rose won 3 times in the Low Fat Division of the annual St. Olaf Milk Diving Tournament. Season 5, Episode 11 - "Ebbtide" While attending her father's funeral in Atlanta, Blanche clashes with her sister, Virginia, who accuses her of selfishness, claiming the family's grief is marred by suspicions of Blanche's ulterior motives. How does Blanche respond? Season 4, Episode 14 - "Love Me Tender" Which Golden Girl once went out to dinner with a man and during the date, he begged his ex-wife to come back to him? Season 1, Episode 23 - "Blind Ambitions" After spending some time in Miami, Rose's blind sister, Lily, returns to Chicago, but Rose is concerned about her well-being. When she visits Lily 2 months later, what is she pleasantly surprised to see when she arrives at the airport? Season 7, Episode 14 - "Old Boyfriends" When Sophia meets Marvin from the personals, he's accompanied by his sister, Sarah, who drives him everywhere and seems to be a permanent fixture in his life. Eventually, Sophia learns the truth about Sarah: she's not Marvin's sister; she's his wife. Why does Sarah go on all of their dates? Season 6, Episode 12 - "Ebbtide's Revenge" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy carries the weight of guilt, believing her actions somehow caused her younger brother, Phil, to become a cross-dresser.