Season 4, Episode 13 - "The Impotence of Being Ernest"
When Sophia receives an envelope from her cousin Vito in Sicily, she's nervous and scared when she sees what's inside. What's in the envelope and what does it mean?
A black feather. It means Sophia is supposed to carry out a vendetta.
Sophia: Oh, from Sicily. A gift from cousin Vito.
Dorothy: A feather. That's a message of some kind, isn't it?
Sophia: What are you babbling about?
Dorothy: Don't play dumb with me, Ma. Everything from Sicily means something. A black rose means a family member is dying. A white carnation means a newborn is on the way. A dead rabbit means, "My husband knows. Get out of town"."
Rose: Knows what?
Dorothy: The score to South Pacific, Rose.