Season 4, Episode 10 - "Stan Takes a Wife" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy's favorite cuisine is Italian. Answer False. It's Chinese. More trivia questions Season 5, Episode 13 - "Mary Had a Little Lamb" Blanche's pen pal, Merrill Kellogg, recently released from prison, arrives at the house in search of her, only to find Sophia alone. Despite Sophia's attempts to dissuade him, Merrill insists on a memento of Blanche. He takes the silverware and Blanche's jewelry. What does he do to Sophia? Season 6, Episode 23 - "Love for Sale" TRUE OR FALSE: When Stan's uncle Morris dies, he leaves Stan and Dorothy his house. Season 2, Episode 18 - "Forgive Me, Father" When Dorothy goes to talk to Father Leahy in hopes of convincing him not to leave the priesthood, he corrects her by explaining that he is leaving his current church to become a teaching priest at another church. Why does Dorothy think he is leaving the priesthood? Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" After finalizing the sale of a property they bought on their honeymoon, Stanley takes Dorothy out to lunch. What does Stanley confess to Dorothy after having an emotional breakdown when she mentions his much younger wife, Chrissy? Season 1, Episode 19 - "Second Motherhood" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy and Rose once took on a plumbing project at the house and successfully repaired the bathroom. Season 7, Episode 14 - "Old Boyfriends" When Sophia meets Marvin from the personals, he's accompanied by his sister, Sarah, who drives him everywhere and seems to be a permanent fixture in his life. Eventually, Sophia learns the truth about Sarah: she's not Marvin's sister; she's his wife. Why does Sarah go on all of their dates? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" While Dorothy voices concerns about the age gap between Michael and his fiancée, Lorraine, Michael assures her that Lorraine's mother approves. However, upon meeting Michael, Lorraine's mother finds herself objecting to a different aspect of their relationship. What is it? Season 3, Episode 17 - "My Brother, My Father" Sophia's brother Angelo from Sicily is visiting the family in Brooklyn, NY, but he wants to come to Miami to see Dorothy and Stan and wish them a happy 40th wedding anniversary. What favor does Sophia ask of Dorothy and Stan? Season 5, Episode 24 - "All Bets Are Off" After Dorothy and Rose go to the racetrack, Dorothy takes up gambling again and spirals out of control. Sophia confronts her several times about it, but to no avail. What finally happens that makes Dorothy re-evaluate her actions? Season 6, Episode 21 - "Witness" When Sophia misplaces her glasses, she stubbornly refuses to buy a new pair, instead reporting them stolen to the police. Luckily, their neighbor, Barbara Weston, finds the glasses and returns them to Sophia. What happened to them? Season 1, Episode 1 - "Pilot (The Golden Girls)" How did Dorothy and Rose first meet? Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" Back in St. Olaf, Rose had a neighbor named Mean Old Lady Hickenlooper, who always looked angry and never smiled because she was born without smiling muscles. Rose told her that a smile is just an upside-down frown. What did Mean Old Lady Hickenlooper do every time Rose passed by? Season 5, Episode 4 - "Rose Fights Back" As The Girls reminisce about the first time they shaved their legs, which Golden Girl was surprised to learn that women shave above the knee? Season 6, Episode 6 - "Feelings" Coach Odlivak and star player Kevin Kelly visit Dorothy to convince her to give Kevin a passing grade so he can play in the big game. Dorothy offers to tutor him privately, but Kevin's not interested, and Coach Odlivak declares nothing will stop Kevin from playing. What happens to Kevin the day of the game? Season 2, Episode 15 - "Before and After" Rose goes into overdrive with volunteer work and unfortunately has a minor health scare that lands her in the hospital. She believes she died and went to Heaven but was given a second chance at life. She's made a new decision. What is it? Season 2, Episode 25 - "A Piece of Cake" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once celebrated her birthday at Mr. Ha Ha's Hot Dog Hacienda with Dorothy and Blanche. Season 1, Episode 1 - "Pilot (The Golden Girls)" Blanche's fiancé, Harry, is thirty minutes late to the wedding The Girls host at the house. The doorbell rings, and a police officer asks to speak to Blanche. What does he tell her? Season 1, Episode 16 - "The Truth Will Out" Rose's daughter and granddaughter bring Blanche and Dorothy a gift when they come to visit: a maple syrup, honey, brown sugar, molasses, Rice Krispies log—an extremely sweet dessert and, according to Rose's daughter, very popular in Minnesota. What does Dorothy say she's going to do with hers? Season 2, Episode 7 - "Family Affair" Both Dorothy and Rose have individual conversations with their children after finding Michael and Bridget in bed together. Dorothy tells Michael he needs to grow up and accept responsibility. How does the conversation go with Rose and Bridget?