Season 3, Episode 17 - "My Brother, My Father" What is the name of Sophia's brother from Sicily? Answer Angelo More trivia questions Season 4, Episode 6 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 1" Which Golden Girl said her husband proposed to her 10 minutes after they met? Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" While her husband was away at war, which Golden Girl worked at the local United Service Organizations club (an American nonprofit-charitable corporation that provides live entertainment and other programs to members of the United States Armed Forces and their families)? Season 7, Episode 16 - "The Commitments" Which Golden Girl scored tickets to see The Beatles at Shea Stadium, but she missed out on the historical event because one of her kids was sick? Season 7, Episode 3 - "Beauty and the Beast" Blanche's 7-year-old granddaughter Melissa comes to visit for a week. Blanche takes her to the docks to watch the sailors come in. What does Blanche tell Melissa to call her in front of the Navy? Season 1, Episode 19 - "Second Motherhood" When Blanche gets seriously involved with a very wealthy businessman named Richard, she meets his family and learns he has two children, ages 7 and 9. When he proposes to her, she initially says yes but later changes her mind. Why? Season 2, Episode 24 - "To Catch a Neighbor" After The Girls host a dinner party to welcome their new neighbors, the McDowells, they receive a visit from Detective Al Mullins of Miami P.D. and his associate, Bobby Hopkins. What shocking news do they tell The Girls about the McDowells? Season 7, Episode 25 - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (Part 1)" Blanche made a date to play tennis with a man she met at the grocery store, but she forgot her uncle, Lucas, was coming to town that evening. She needs one of The Girls to go out with him so she can keep her plans. Which Golden Girl goes out with Lucas? Season 5, Episode 4 - "Rose Fights Back" To pursue an age discrimination case, Rose visits a local TV station where she meets consumer reporter Enrique Mas and decides to apply for a production assistant position. To secure the job, she must pass a consumer test, and The Girls offer their assistance. What do they test? Season 4, Episode 12 - "The Blind Date" Blanche gets stood up 4 times by Tom Gallagher before she meets a charming man at a bar named John Quinn. They have a great conversation, and Blanche gives him her phone number. When John arrives at the house for their first date, what does Blanche learn about him that she didn't notice when she met him? Season 6, Episode 17 - "There Goes the Bride, Part 2" Blanche is looking for a new roommate because Dorothy is marrying Stan and moving out. What iconic American actress, singer, and businesswoman who starred in the hit movie Singin' in the Rain plays Truby, the potential new roommate? Season 6, Episode 23 - "Love for Sale" Sophia's brother Angelo arrives, confessing he's lost everything, including his home, after lavishing expensive gifts and vacations on a young aerobics instructor who left him for an American basketball player. Where does Dorothy suggest that Angelo stay? Season 5, Episode 5 - "Love Under the Big Top" Which Golden Girl once punched a man for physically assaulting Rose? Season 6, Episode 13 - "The Bloom Is Off the Rose" Rose and Miles have reached a plateau in their relationship; everything they do is boring for Rose, even sex. To add some excitement to their union, Rose enrolls the two of them into what kind of class? Season 1, Episode 18 - "The Operation" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose enroll in tap-dancing lessons. Unfortunately, Dorothy begins experiencing pain in her foot after class one day. When she goes to the doctor to get her foot examined, what does he tell her? Season 4, Episode 18 - "Fiddler On the Ropes" The Girls attend prizefighter Kid Pepe's audition for the Juilliard School of Music. He planned to play the violin, but he forgot the musical piece because he got knocked out in his last fight. What did Kid Pepe do instead? Season 7, Episode 26 - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (Part 2)" The night before Lucas and Dorothy's wedding, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia are talking on the lanai. Rose plans to move in with her daughter, Kirsten, but she's worried she won't be needed because Kirsten has a family. Sophia says she knows where Rose is needed, and that is where she should stay. Where is it? Season 7, Episode 4 - "That's for Me to Know" Blanche announces that a contractor is coming to install their new hot tub. Rose is concerned that Blanche doesn't have the building permit to do so. When Blanche says she has no intention of paying the government for a permit, what does Rose do? Season 2, Episode 11 - "'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas" Which Golden Girl met her husband on Christmas Eve? Season 7, Episode 26 - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (Part 2)" Dorothy tells her fiancé, Lucas, how much she's learned sharing her life with The Girls. She says Sophia taught her that life doesn't end just because you've reached a certain age, and she's more comfortable with her sexuality because of Blanche. What did she learn from Rose?