The Golden Girls Trivia: Season 2

In the second season of The Golden Girls, we accompany them on vacation, meet a few of their neighbors, and even address some serious family issues. We're introduced to Dorothy's favorite student, witness Blanche undergo a major life change, watch Rose overcome a dating concern, and peep into Sophia's love life. How much detail do you know about how the girls handled these topics? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.

After getting over the outrage of being deceived, the girls fondly reminisce about how Patrick Vaughn made each one feel while he was secretly dating them. Blanche said he made her feel young. Dorothy said he made her feel beautiful. Rose said he made her feel what?

Episode 14 - The Actor
Dorothy: You know, it's all our own fault. We behaved like a bunch of teenage groupies.
Blanche: The first good-looking, sexy, debonair, charming man that rolls into town, we got on him quicker than muster on a tie at a county fair.
Dorothy: It's hard to stay mad at the guy. I don't know, there was...something special about him. He made me feel beautiful.
Blanche: He made me feel young.
Rose: He made me feel smart.
Dorothy: God, what an actor.

What is the name of the neighbor who's suffering from "empty nest syndrome" and feels guilty about wanting to spend more time with her extremely busy doctor husband?

Episode 26 - Empty Nests

Rose once experienced a minor health issue that landed her in hospital. The doctor said it was a constriction of the food pipe that can be painful and frightening, but not at all serious. What was the name of this condition?

Esophageal spasm
Episode 15 - Before and After

Which Golden Girl had a ragdoll named Mrs. Doolittle when she was a little girl?

Episode 17 - Bedtime Story

Dorothy refers to Mrs. Doolittle again in Season 5, Episode 21 - Sisters and Other Strangers, except she wasn't a ragdoll.

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once slipped into a depression because she was mourning the death of a showbiz chicken.

Episode 19 - Long Day's Journey Into Marinara

When Blanche contours her eyebrows, what American blonde bombshell supermodel and actress does she use as a guide because she believes they have exactly the same bone structure?

Christie Brinkley
Episode 17 - Bedtime Story
Rose: What are you doing?
Blanche: I am contouring my eyebrows. I use Mrs. Christie Brinkley as a guide because we have exactly the same bone structure. I just hope she doesn't let herself go to pot after that baby comes. I don't want that big eyed husband of hers coming after me.

Once her children all reached high school age, which Golden Girl told everyone they were her husband's kids from a previous marriage?

Episode 26 - Empty Nests

Which Golden Girl is a grumpy patient?

Episode 17 - Bedtime Story

Which Golden Girl once had an affair with a man of the cloth?

Blanche. He was a fabric salesman.
Episode 18 - Forgive Me, Father
Blanche: Dorothy, I hesitate to say this, but something in Frank's eyes says to me he thinks of you as more than just a friend.
Dorothy: Blanche, the man is a priest.
Blanche: The man's a man!
Dorothy: I'm not going to listen to this!
Blanche: Listen, I know what I'm talking about because I was in a very similar situation once, and he was a man of the cloth. Oh, totally dedicated to his vocation, or so he said, but his eyes told me he was dedicated to me. Now we both knew it was wrong, and we fought our feelings with every bone in our hot, longing, writhing bodies! Finally it was just too much for us, and we gave up and checked into a Best Western.
Dorothy: You had an affair with a priest?
Blanche: Priest? I didn't say he was a priest. I said he was a man of the cloth. He was a fabric salesman.

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once went to a coffee shop and didn't have enough to pay, so she entertained the customers with St. Olaf stories in order to raise money.

False. She ran into the bathroom and tried to climb out through the skylight.
Episode 24 - To Catch a Neighbor

Rose excitedly announces she's hired an all-female jazz band called "The Great Pretenders" for the hospital charity banquet. During the banquet, Dorothy notices there's something odd about the band members. What is it?

They're men dressed as women.
Episode 22 - Diamond in the Rough
Dorothy: Rose, there is something very odd about that all-female jazz band.
Rose: What?
Dorothy: They're all men.
Rose: I just thought they were really ugly women. What are we going to do?
Dorothy: Nothing. They sound great. If we pretend that nothing is wrong, maybe no one will notice.
Sophia: Hey, did you get a load of those queens on the bandstand?
Dorothy: Keep your voice down!
Sophia: What for? You think they don't know they're queens?

During the stakeout at the girls' house, Detective Al Mullins hears suspicious activity at the McDowells house via the transmitter the girls planted at a dinner party. He and Bobby Hopkins rush to intercept an exchange and make an arrest. The girls hear gunshots as they anxiously await their return. What happens to Bobby?

He's shot in the shoulder.
Episode 24 - To Catch a Neighbor

After the stakeout at the girls' house ends and their neighbors the McDowells are arrested, Detective Mullins tells Dorothy he really wants to see her again. She wants to see him too, but she says she can't because she could get serious about him. Why does Dorothy feel this way?

She doesn't want to get involved with someone who could get hurt every time he goes to work.
Episode 24 - To Catch a Neighbor

What was the first special occasion Rose spent alone after her husband Charlie died?

Her birthday
Episode 25 - A Piece of Cake

The girls decide to breed minks, but they can't get them "in the mood". They've tried multiple things like music and soft lighting. Dorothy believes they need an aphrodisiac. When they call Dr. Parks the vet to examine the minks, what does he tell them?

He says the minks are too old.
Episode 1 - End of the Curse

Blanche once said that on the evening of the 1972 presidential inauguration, she danced in the arms of the president...and woke up in his arms the next morning.

TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche spent the night with President Richard Nixon.

Episode 2 - Ladies of the Evening
Blanche: You know, the last time I wore this dress was at the 1972 presidential inauguration. I ended the evening dancing in the arms of the president. The next morning, I woke up sill in his arms.
Dorothy: Blanche, you and Nixon!?
Blanche: Nixon! Yuck. No! I can't even picture Nixon naked. I think he must look like one of those little dress-up dolls. Just little mounds of plastic to indicate where everything ought to be. No, I was talking about Mr. William Buster Collier, the president of the chamber of commerce!
Dorothy: Oh, that presidential inauguration!
Blanche: You know, Buster wanted me to be his first lady, but he died 2 days later.
Dorothy: I'm sorry.
Blanche: He was performing his first official function - breaking a bottle of champagne over the city's new toll booth. But before he could step out of the way, he was run over by 10 Shriners on minibikes... who just happened to have the exact change.
Dorothy: So many of our great leaders have gone that way.

When Dorothy apologizes to Blanche for accusing her of sleeping with Stan, she explains to Blanche that she was feeling jealous, lonely, and a mixture of other feelings. Blanche tells her she knows exactly how she feels and even has a name for it. What does Blanche call it?

Episode 3 - Take Him, He's Mine
Dorothy: Blanche, I want to apologize.
Blanche: Ok.
Dorothy: I apologize.
Blanche: That's it?
Dorothy: I can't think of anything else to say. I behaved terribly.
Blanche: I know.
Dorothy: No, you don't. Oh, I went to Stan's hotel room tonight because I thought you were there.
Blanche: Well, I wasn't!
Dorothy: I know.
Blanche: I told him that although there was nothing between us, I couldn't see him anymore.
Dorothy: Oh, I've been such a creep!
Blanche: I know.
Dorothy: I wish I could explain it, but I can't. I think some of it may be that I... didn't want to share my memories. I mean, that part of my life with Stan is over, but I still wanted it to be...just mine, you know? And I was afraid that you might take that part away. And I was feeling jealous and lonely and God knows what else.
Blanche: Magenta.
Dorothy: Excuse me?
Blanche: Magenta. That's what I call it when I get that way. All kinds of feelings tumbling all over themselves. Well, you know you're not quite blue because you're not really sad. And although you're a little bit jealous, you wouldn't say you're green with envy. And every now and then you realize you're kinda scared, but you'd hardly call yourself yellow. I hate that feeling. I just hate it, and I hate the color magenta. That's why I named it that. Magenta. No way to really explain it, but fortunately, between friends, you don't have to. Oh, Dorothy! Dorothy, listen. Now that we're talking to each other, can I ask you a question? Why in hell did you ever marry Stan?
Dorothy: It was my magenta period. And you know, Stan was rather handsome when he had hair.
Blanche: Come on!
Dorothy: He had a certain...elegant charm.
Blanche: Oh, please!
Dorothy: And, of course, I was 4 months pregnant.