Season 2, Episode 8 - "Vacation" Which Golden Girl had rhinoplasty (a nose job)? Answer Rose More trivia questions Season 5, Episode 6 - "Dancing in the Dark" Rose and Sophia are escorted home by Rose's new love interest and dance partner at the ballroom. What is his name? Season 1, Episode 15 - "In a Bed of Rose's" Which Golden Girl said the following? "Isn't it interesting how the sounds are the same for awful nightmares and great sex?" Season 3, Episode 1 - "Old Friends" Rose is depressed after her teddy bear, Fernando, goes missing, and Blanche is afraid to admit that she accidentally gave Fernando to Daisy, the Sunshine Cadet. Blanche buys a new teddy bear to pass off to Rose, but to no avail. Why can't Blanche get Fernando back from Daisy? Season 5, Episode 9 - "Comedy of Errors" Rose tells The Girls about her colleague, Roger Barton, who dislikes her despite getting along with everyone else. Her attempts to befriend him have failed. When Roger's dog, Sparky, dies, Rose seeks a way to show her sympathy. What does she do? Season 5, Episode 13 - "Mary Had a Little Lamb" Finish this line by Rose: Back in St. Olaf, our justice system is very progressive. Their motto was, "Use a gun, ..." Season 4, Episode 9 - "Scared Straight" Rose and Blanche's brother, Clayton, return home together after crossing paths in the park. Blanche asks Clayton about the blind date she sent him on, and he says they weren't suited. When he tries to tell Blanche he's gay, he clams up. What does he tell her instead? Season 5, Episode 15 - "Triple Play" TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche once rented a Mercedes-Benz and put an ad in the paper saying she's selling the car for a very low price just so she could meet rich, eligible men. Season 6, Episode 17 - "There Goes the Bride, Part 2" Which Golden Girl got married outdoors in February? Season 4, Episode 6 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 1" TRUE OR FALSE: After high school, Rose went to St. Gustav University to study Latin; she was first in her class. Season 5, Episode 15 - "Triple Play" Which Golden Girl said her mother-in-law didn't want her to marry her son because she wasn't a virgin? Season 7, Episode 12 - "From Here to the Pharmacy" Which Golden Girl assaulted a man in a drugstore over the last tube of Preparation H? Season 4, Episode 19 - "Till Death Do We Volley" Which Golden Girl had a high school classmate that later became a doctor who won the Nobel Prize? Season 1, Episode 25 - "The Way We Met" While shopping for cantaloupes in the grocery store, Dorothy and Blanche both share how they determine if a melon is ripe. Dorothy says she smells the tip, and Blanche says she thumps it. Rose says she has the best method, and it works every time. What does she do? Season 2, Episode 4 - "It's a Miserable Life" What is the name of the ill-tempered old neighbor that opposed a city petition to save a 200-year-old oak tree on her property? She was hated so much that the neighborhood children dressed up like her one Halloween. Season 5, Episode 12 - "Have Yourself a Very Little Christmas" The Girls volunteer at Rose's church to help serve Christmas dinner to the homeless. As they're serving dinner, they notice a man dressed as Santa Claus standing in line for food. Who is Santa Claus, and why is he there? Season 6, Episode 13 - "The Bloom Is Off the Rose" TRUE OR FALSE: When Rose and Miles participate in a skydiving class, they both jump and end up in the hospital. Season 3, Episode 12 - "Charlie's Buddy" When Rose gets a visit from Buddy Rourke, he's excited about meeting her, but she has no idea who he is. How does he say he knows her? Season 6, Episode 12 - "Ebbtide's Revenge" During Dorothy's brother Phil's funeral service, Dorothy and Blanche notice a group of "veiled, shapely creatures" placing roses on the casket. Blanche thinks they're secret relationships. Phil's wife, Angela, knows exactly who they are is surprised they traveled so far for the funeral. Who are they? Season 7, Episode 19 - "Journey to the Center of Attention" Despite Dorothy's refusal to participate, Blanche and Rose plan Sophia's wake, and Rose sends the invitations. The party atmosphere is complete with food and drinks, but the guests aren't having a good time. After speaking to one of the attendees, what does Blanche realize that Rose forgot to do?