Season 2, Episode 6 - "Big Daddy's Little Lady" TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia once looked through the obituaries to line up dates. Answer True More trivia questions Season 2, Episode 8 - "Vacation" While Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are on their Caribbean vacation, they get into a verbal altercation with the men in the room next door. As a peace offering, the men invite The Girls on an evening sailboat cruise. What happens while they're cruising? Season 5, Episode 5 - "Love Under the Big Top" Which Golden Girl once punched a man for physically assaulting Rose? Season 5, Episode 17 - "Like the Beep Beep Beep of the Tom-Tom" When Blanche decides to be celibate, she takes up an arts and crafts hobby. She makes a purse for Dorothy, a potpourri box for Sophia, and a pair of earrings for Rose. What are these items made with? Season 7, Episode 16 - "The Commitments" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy wins a ticket on the radio to a dinner theater performance of Beatlemania. She ends up spending the night with Don, who plays the role of George. Season 4, Episode 20 - "High Anxiety" Which Golden Girl worked as a soda jerk in a malt shop when she was in high school? Season 7, Episode 12 - "From Here to the Pharmacy" Rose explained that her late husband, Charlie, had made a rather unusual stipulation in his will, leaving their entire estate to their prized cow, Henrietta. A lawyer represented Henrietta on contingency, forcing Rose to endure a six-month court battle to reclaim her farm. How did she celebrate her victory? Season 3, Episode 8 - "Brotherly Love" Stan surprises Dorothy with an unexpected visit, bringing his younger brother from Minneapolis, Minnesota. His brother is one of the Midwest's top neurosurgeons and owns a couple of mini-malls. What is his name? Season 2, Episode 25 - "A Piece of Cake" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once celebrated her birthday at Mr. Ha Ha's Hot Dog Hacienda with Dorothy and Blanche. Season 2, Episode 8 - "Vacation" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy and Blanche both slept with Rose's cross-eyed cousin, Nolan, from Ohio—and he was lousy in bed. Season 2, Episode 19 - "Long Day's Journey Into Marinara" Sophia's sister Angela stays with The Girls for 3 weeks before finally finding a new place in Miami. Sophia is thrilled because Angela has made her life miserable since she moved in. Angela's new roommate arrives to help her move. To Sophia's surprise, who is Angela's roommate? Season 1, Episode 23 - "Blind Ambitions" When Rose's blind sister, Lily, comes to visit, she has an accident in the kitchen. What happens? Season 7, Episode 11 - "Room Seven" What does Blanche call her mother? Season 3, Episode 6 - "Letter to Gorbachev" TRUE OR FALSE: Gorbachev was so moved by the simplistic, heartfelt words in Rose's letter about nuclear war that he wanted to meet her, believing she was a little girl. Season 7, Episode 13 - "The Pope's Ring" Blanche has a history of competing with Dorothy for the better gift whenever they give a present to the same person. It's Rose's birthday, and the competition is on. Dorothy is confident that her gift will overshadow Blanche's. What does she give Rose? Season 2, Episode 18 - "Forgive Me, Father" Dorothy and Blanche chat as they prepare coffee after dinner for Father Frank Leahy. Blanche believes Frank wants to be more than friends with Dorothy, but Dorothy disagrees. As he's leaving for the evening, he says to Dorothy, "Thanks to you, I'm on the verge of a very important decision." What is his decision? Season 7, Episode 11 - "Room Seven" Which Golden Girl mooned a chain gang on the interstate? Season 2, Episode 3 - "Take Him, He's Mine" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose admitted that she's no good at listening to people's problems even though she works as a grief counselor. She has the highest suicide rate in the office. Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" Stanley needs Dorothy's signature on legal papers to sell a property they bought on their honeymoon. Sophia advises Dorothy to read them before signing. According to Sophia, what happened the last time Stanley gave Dorothy papers to sign? Season 5, Episode 18 - "An Illegitimate Concern" TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia and Dorothy entered the Shady Pines Mother-Daughter Beauty Pageant and won first place.