Season 2, Episode 20 - "Whose Face Is This, Anyway?" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose attended an agricultural college. Answer True More trivia questions Season 4, Episode 7 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 2" Dorothy comes under a lot of stress from dealing with the strain of her job and her mother's getting married to Max Weinstock, a man Sophia was at odds with for 40 years. What unhealthy habit did Dorothy have that she takes up again? Season 6, Episode 18 - "Older and Wiser" Which Golden Girl decorated a pair of brown men's Florsheim shoes with bows and gave them to her daughter to wear in first grade? Season 3, Episode 20 - "And Ma Makes Three" TRUE OR FALSE: Back in St. Olaf, Rose lost the St. Olaf Butter Queen pageant to Sonia Klingenhoffer. Season 5, Episode 14 - "Great Expectations" When Blanche's beau, Steven, suffers a heart attack, The Girls encourage her to visit him in the hospital. However, Blanche hesitates, reluctant to deepen their casual relationship with emotional investment. Why does she feel this way? Season 2, Episode 9 - "Joust Between Friends" As a teacher, Dorothy is required to take a 10-week leave from the school system, so Blanche gets her a job at the museum where she works. Their boss, Mr. Allen, asks Dorothy to plan the banquet that Blanche is normally in charge of. Why does Mr. Allen give the responsibility to Dorothy? Season 7, Episode 20 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 1)" Rose, a highly competitive individual who relishes the thrill of victory, dedicates hours to mailing envelopes to enter various contests. Finally, her persistence pays off as she wins a giveaway. The exhilaration of success, she claims, makes all the effort worthwhile. What does she win? Season 5, Episode 7 - "Not Another Monday" Which Golden Girl has excellent vision? (Hint: She can read the temperature of a glass thermometer from across the room.) Season 3, Episode 12 - "Charlie's Buddy" After a month of shopping for an evening gown to wear to the museum banquet, Dorothy finally finds the perfect dress. Unfortunately, when Blanche reveals the dress she's wearing, The Girls now have a dilemma. What is it? Season 3, Episode 24 - "Mister Terrific" Dorothy says her ex-husband Stan and Superman have something in common. What is it? Season 1, Episode 16 - "The Truth Will Out" After years of telling her children that her husband, Charlie, was a successful businessman, Rose finally reveals the truth to her daughter, Kirsten, about her father and why there wasn't much left in his will. What is the truth? Season 4, Episode 1 - "Yes, We Have No Havanas" Blanche has been out 4 times with her "mystery man", and The Girls don't know anything about him. She says he's no secret, but there is one little thing about him. When he arrives at the house for a date with Blanche, what do The Girls notice about him? Season 5, Episode 25 - "The President's Coming! Part 1" When Dorothy learns the president might visit, she prepares to confront him on issues like age discrimination and women's rights. The Girls are concerned about Dorothy speaking her mind. Why? Season 6, Episode 24 - "Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home, Part 1" Out on bail, Sophia struggles to remember the details of the Shady Pines fire to prove she didn't start it. She's not confident about the upcoming trial, so what does she plan to do to avoid going to prison? Season 4, Episode 10 - "Stan Takes a Wife" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy's favorite cuisine is Italian. Season 7, Episode 26 - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (Part 2)" Dorothy tells her fiancé, Lucas, how much she's learned sharing her life with The Girls. She says Sophia taught her that life doesn't end just because you've reached a certain age, and she's more comfortable with her sexuality because of Blanche. What did she learn from Rose? Season 7, Episode 7 - "Dateline: Miami" Which Golden Girl went on a blind dinner date with a man who was confronted by his pregnant girlfriend and an ex-boyfriend in the restaurant? Season 2, Episode 14 - "The Actor" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose have roles in a play with TV actor Patrick Vaughn—and he's been secretly dating all of them. On opening night, The Girls discover he's dating them and the lead actress, Phyllis Hammerow. When they confront Patrick during a live stage performance, what else do they learn? Season 4, Episode 16 - "Two Rode Together" Rose and Blanche team up together to write a children's storybook about Toonder the Magnificent Tiger, a character from a fable Rose heard as a child. When Rose calls her sister for more stories, what disappointing news does she learn about these fables? Season 4, Episode 6 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 1" Sophia and Max Weinstock finally make up after being at odds for 40 years. Max comes to visit Sophia in Miami, and The Girls are shocked to find them in bed together. When Dorothy confronts her mother, what surprising news does Sophia announce?