Season 2, Episode 20 - "Whose Face Is This, Anyway?" Which Golden Girl was a member of the Alpha Gams Sorority in college? Answer Blanche More trivia questions Season 1, Episode 20 - "Adult Education" Which Golden Girl was sexually harassed by a man wearing a corset and high heels? Season 4, Episode 13 - "The Impotence of Being Ernest" Rose and her beau Ernie Faber finally reach an intimate, sexual relationship. Ernie expresses his appreciation to Rose saying he overcame his impotence because of her warmth and understanding. After he thanks her for all she's done, what shocking news does he reveal to her? Season 6, Episode 15 - "Miles to Go" Blanche carefully saves the price tags on a $300 dress that she plans to wear and return because she can't afford it. When she takes it back to the store, she neglects to remove the dry cleaning tag and has to pay for the dress. How does Blanche cover the cost of the dress? Season 2, Episode 5 - "Isn't It Romantic" TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche's first kiss was in the rain. Season 6, Episode 10 - "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Before They Die" Rose receives a special delivery letter from St. Olaf's Department of Water and Coffee. It's bad news saying there's a drought threatening the crops. Until the rains come, what are they asking of St. Olaf's citizens? Season 3, Episode 10 - "The Audit" After Stan and Dorothy are audited by the IRS, Dorothy owes $2,500. She doesn't have it, so she goes to a pawn shop to sell some personal items. Unfortunately, the items don't have much value, but the pawnbroker notices something else she can sell. What does Dorothy end up selling? Season 3, Episode 21 - "Larceny and Old Lace" Why doesn't Dorothy like Sophia's boyfriend, Rocco? Season 5, Episode 24 - "All Bets Are Off" After Dorothy and Rose go to the racetrack, Dorothy takes up gambling again and spirals out of control. Sophia confronts her several times about it, but to no avail. What finally happens that makes Dorothy re-evaluate her actions? Season 5, Episode 16 - "Clinton Avenue Memoirs" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose's father once worked as an organ grinder. Season 5, Episode 19 - "72 Hours" Rose receives a concerning letter from St. Luke's Hospital, where she previously underwent gallbladder removal and a blood transfusion, requesting she return for testing due to potential blood contamination. Why is she scared of the possible results? Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" Blanche finally decides to do the right thing and not bankrupt St. Olaf by cashing in the war bonds. Rose mentions they're planning to build a statue in her honor. But just as Blanche tears up the bonds, Dorothy questions how St. Olaf is paying for the statue if they're broke. What does Rose say? Season 1, Episode 20 - "Adult Education" Blanche goes back to school to get her degree and possibly a promotion at the museum where she works. Unfortunately, she fails her psychology midterm exam. When she asks Professor Cooper for help, what does he suggest for her to pass the course? Season 5, Episode 24 - "All Bets Are Off" Which Golden Girl is artistically talented and has a knack for painting horses? Season 3, Episode 1 - "Old Friends" Dorothy goes to the boardwalk to secretly observe her mother after Sophia tells her about a fight she had with her friend, Alvin. While Dorothy is watching them, Alvin's daughter, Sandra, approaches her; she's looking after her father, too. What does Sandra tell Dorothy about Alvin? Season 5, Episode 15 - "Triple Play" TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche once rented a Mercedes-Benz and put an ad in the paper saying she's selling the car for a very low price just so she could meet rich, eligible men. Season 5, Episode 21 - "Sisters and Other Strangers" Dorothy painfully tells The Girls how her sister, Gloria, broke her favorite doll when they were little girls. Gloria singed the doll's hair and made it so her eyes wouldn't close. Dorothy didn't talk to Gloria for months. What was her doll's name? Season 7, Episode 9 - "The Monkey Show, Part 2" Which Golden Girl once exploited a hurricane by hoarding candy from the vending machine and selling it to those trapped in the shelter? Season 6, Episode 5 - "Wham, Bam, Thank You Mammy" Dorothy notices that her mother randomly asks her strange, hypothetical questions about what she likes in a man. She even takes a picture of Dorothy unaware. Why is Sophia doing these things? Season 4, Episode 14 - "Love Me Tender" After waiting half an hour, Dorothy's blind date, Eddie, finally arrives, and he doesn't seem interested at all. Dorothy returns home the next morning describing how terrible the date was, but she'll continue seeing Eddie. What does Dorothy confess to Rose as to why she's still seeing him?