Season 2, Episode 20 - "Whose Face Is This, Anyway?" Which Golden Girl is camera shy? Answer Dorothy More trivia questions Season 1, Episode 25 - "The Way We Met" While shopping for cantaloupes in the grocery store, Dorothy and Blanche both share how they determine if a melon is ripe. Dorothy says she smells the tip, and Blanche says she thumps it. Rose says she has the best method, and it works every time. What does she do? Season 3, Episode 14 - "Blanche's Little Girl" Blanche's daughter Rebecca brings her boyfriend, Jeremy, to the house for dinner. By the end of the evening, The Girls are disturbed and infuriated with his behavior. What's their problem with Jeremy? Season 7, Episode 4 - "That's for Me to Know" The Girls struggle with a difficult decision after a visit from a city inspector. One of them must move out if Blanche can't afford the necessary home improvements to comply with rental regulations. When the inspector comes back to see who's leaving, The Girls are surprised at Blanche's response. What does she say? Season 1, Episode 20 - "Adult Education" What is Rose's lucky number? Season 2, Episode 7 - "Family Affair" When Dorothy's son, Michael, and Rose's daughter, Bridget, both come to visit at the same time, Blanche suggests the two should go out together, but Dorothy and Rose disagree. Blanche gives the young pair tickets to the symphony. What happens when they return to the house? Season 6, Episode 26 - "Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser" To encourage reading during spring break, Dorothy's school is staging a series of plays based on children's stories, with Dorothy leading the first-grade production. What story are they acting out? Season 2, Episode 19 - "Long Day's Journey Into Marinara" Sophia thinks her sister Angela is sleeping with her boyfriend Tony, so she goes to his home to confront them both. She's relieved to learn they're not intimately involved, but to her dismay, what does she discover about Tony? Season 6, Episode 15 - "Miles to Go" Sophia tells The Girls her friend Gladys Goldfein invited her to see Tony Bennett in concert, but Gladys cancels to take a man instead. When Gladys feels guilty and apologizes to Sophia, that's when Sophia learns the tickets aren't for Tony Bennett. Who are they for? Season 2, Episode 8 - "Vacation" Sophia stays home while the rest of The Girls go on a 5-day Caribbean vacation. As The Girls are leaving, Sophia rushes them out of the house. Why? Season 2, Episode 4 - "It's a Miserable Life" What is the name of the ill-tempered old neighbor that opposed a city petition to save a 200-year-old oak tree on her property? She was hated so much that the neighborhood children dressed up like her one Halloween. Season 3, Episode 16 - "Grab That Dough" The night before their appearance on the TV game show Grab That Dough, The Girls arrive at their hotel only to discover that it is completely booked, as is every other hotel in the city. Where does the receptionist say The Girls can sleep for $75, and she won't have them arrested for loitering? Season 5, Episode 20 - "Twice in a Lifetime" Rose tells The Girls about Little Yiminy back in St. Olaf, the boy who was raised by a wild moose. What else did the moose do for Little Yiminy? Season 6, Episode 16 - "There Goes the Bride, Part 1" Dorothy has been sneaking around with Stan for months, but only Blanche and Rose know. She rides Blanche's bike to meet him; otherwise, Sophia will hear Stan's car in the driveway. What does Rose insist that Dorothy take with her before she leaves? Season 4, Episode 18 - "Fiddler On the Ropes" Which Golden Girl said one of her boyfriends "turned gay" after she rejected his marriage proposal? Season 3, Episode 1 - "Old Friends" Rose is depressed after her teddy bear, Fernando, goes missing, and Blanche is afraid to admit that she accidentally gave Fernando to Daisy, the Sunshine Cadet. Blanche buys a new teddy bear to pass off to Rose, but to no avail. Why can't Blanche get Fernando back from Daisy? Season 4, Episode 1 - "Yes, We Have No Havanas" Which Golden Girl said she never officially graduated from high school due to contracting mononucleosis or "mono" because she participated in a kissing booth before graduation? Season 2, Episode 18 - "Forgive Me, Father" Dorothy and Blanche chat as they prepare coffee after dinner for Father Frank Leahy. Blanche believes Frank wants to be more than friends with Dorothy, but Dorothy disagrees. As he's leaving for the evening, he says to Dorothy, "Thanks to you, I'm on the verge of a very important decision." What is his decision? Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" Blanche finally decides to do the right thing and not bankrupt St. Olaf by cashing in the war bonds. Rose mentions they're planning to build a statue in her honor. But just as Blanche tears up the bonds, Dorothy questions how St. Olaf is paying for the statue if they're broke. What does Rose say? Season 7, Episode 19 - "Journey to the Center of Attention" Despite Dorothy's refusal to participate, Blanche and Rose plan Sophia's wake, and Rose sends the invitations. The party atmosphere is complete with food and drinks, but the guests aren't having a good time. After speaking to one of the attendees, what does Blanche realize that Rose forgot to do?