Season 2, Episode 20 - "Whose Face Is This, Anyway?" Which Golden Girl is camera shy? Answer Dorothy More trivia questions Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" Blanche finally decides to do the right thing and not bankrupt St. Olaf by cashing in the war bonds. Rose mentions they're planning to build a statue in her honor. But just as Blanche tears up the bonds, Dorothy questions how St. Olaf is paying for the statue if they're broke. What does Rose say? Season 1, Episode 1 - "Pilot (The Golden Girls)" As the show progresses, it's revealed that Sophia is hilariously witty and has quite a sharp tongue. Why does she speak so freely and boldly? Season 4, Episode 10 - "Stan Takes a Wife" What is the secret to Sophia's great tasting lasagna? Season 7, Episode 6 - "Mother Load" Blanche is dating Miami anchorman Jerry Kennedy, but his overbearing mother disapproves. To address this, they invite her over so Jerry can stand up to her in front of Blanche. Things get heated, and Jerry declares he will love whomever he wants and thanks Blanche for her support. What decision does he make? Season 5, Episode 24 - "All Bets Are Off" Which Golden Girl is artistically talented and has a knack for painting horses? Season 5, Episode 3 - "The Accurate Conception" TRUE OR FALSE: All of Rose's children were conceived on St. Olaf holidays. Season 2, Episode 13 - "The Stan Who Came to Dinner" Dorothy and Blanche have plans to double date with twins Bob and Rob, but Dorothy doesn't go because Stan comes to the house with bad news. What was the news? Season 4, Episode 3 - "The One That Got Away" Thirty years later, Blanche is devastated and humiliated at being rejected again by her college crush Ham Lushbough. Dorothy's confused because Blanche said she didn't find him attractive anymore. Why can't Blanche get over being rejected by him? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" While Dorothy voices concerns about the age gap between Michael and his fiancée, Lorraine, Michael assures her that Lorraine's mother approves. However, upon meeting Michael, Lorraine's mother finds herself objecting to a different aspect of their relationship. What is it? Season 4, Episode 14 - "Love Me Tender" Which Golden Girl once went out to dinner with a man and during the date, he begged his ex-wife to come back to him? Season 2, Episode 4 - "It's a Miserable Life" Two days after their neighbor, Mrs. Claxton, dies from a heart attack, The Girls discuss how there won't be a funeral for her because no one wants to attend. Even though they hate her, why do The Girls agree to pay for Mrs. Claxton's funeral? Season 5, Episode 13 - "Mary Had a Little Lamb" Finish this line by Rose: Back in St. Olaf, our justice system is very progressive. Their motto was, "Use a gun, ..." Season 2, Episode 11 - "'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas" The Girls arrive at the airport on Christmas Eve to fly to their hometowns for Christmas, but their flights are canceled due to severe storms. They later end up running two blocks in the rain when their car runs out of gas. Where do they spend their Christmas Eve? Season 3, Episode 20 - "And Ma Makes Three" Sophia's lonely because her circle of friends is gone due to life changes or death. When she tells Dorothy it's not easy making new friends, Dorothy invites Sophia to go golfing with her and her beau, Raymond. What ends up happening with Sophia every time they go out? Season 3, Episode 20 - "And Ma Makes Three" Which Golden Girl once described her husband as a man who cleaned his toes with a shrimp fork? Season 6, Episode 11 - "Stand by Your Man" After their intimate night together, Blanche feels more comfortable with Ted and his wheelchair, and she grows fond of him. When he mentions an upcoming trip to Philadelphia, she impulsively invites herself along, but he tells her he can't take her. Why can't she go? Season 2, Episode 23 - "Son-in-Law Dearest" Which Golden Girl said she had sex with her husband every morning and every night for 18 years of her marriage? Season 6, Episode 2 - "Once, in St. Olaf" Sophia needs surgery for a hernia, but she's afraid to go to the hospital. She believes Dorothy is using the operation as a scam. Where does Sophia think Dorothy is taking her and why? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" Dorothy's son, Michael, makes a surprise visit and announces he's getting married to Lorraine, a woman who sings in his band. Before Dorothy can recover from the shock of the news, Michael says there's something she should know about Lorraine before meeting her. What is it?