Season 2, Episode 20 - "Whose Face Is This, Anyway?" Which Golden Girl had cosmetic surgery on her eyes? Answer Dorothy More trivia questions Season 7, Episode 18 - "Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan" It is that time of year again: Sophia needs new shoes. She asks Dorothy to take her shoe shopping, but her daughter is strongly against it—and so is Blanche. Why do they feel this way about taking her shopping? Season 2, Episode 24 - "To Catch a Neighbor" Detective Mullins informs The Girls that their new neighbors are criminals, and he believes they'll be making a major move within the next 72 hours. He wants to catch them, but needs their cooperation. What does he ask them? Season 7, Episode 10 - "Rose Loves Miles" Rose complains to Blanche that Miles is downright cheap. Their dates now include endless coupons, early bird specials, and even venturing into the shadier parts of town to eat at bargain restaurants. Blanche, however, declares she has the perfect solution. What is it? Season 7, Episode 17 - "Questions and Answers" After the birth of their first child, Rose received a Dachshund named Rusty from her husband, Charlie. One night, their house caught fire, and Rusty alerted everyone and pulled them to safety. He even saved their cat, Scruffy, whom he disliked. Rusty went into the burning building one last time, but he didn't survive. What did he go in for? Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" What is the name of Dorothy's novelist friend whose stories are all set in Florida? (Hint: She's condescending and discriminatory.) Season 3, Episode 6 - "Letter to Gorbachev" When Rose takes her Sunshine Cadet troop out for pizza, Dorothy and Blanche get a visit from Alexi Buvnov of the Russian Embassy. He tells them Gorbachev was moved by Rose's letter about her concerns regarding nuclear war. What does he tell them that leaves them speechless? Season 3, Episode 17 - "My Brother, My Father" When Dorothy and Stan pretend to be married during Sophia's brother Angelo's visit, Rose suggests they renew their wedding vows for their 40th wedding anniversary because Angelo is a priest. What does Angelo confess to them? Season 2, Episode 22 - "Diamond in the Rough" Blanche enjoys spending time with her beau, Jake Smollens, but she feels their social differences make them incompatible. When Jake tells Blanche he needs to ask her something, she thinks he's going to ask her to be his date for the charity banquet, and she politely declines. What does he want to ask her? Season 2, Episode 14 - "The Actor" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose have roles in a play with TV actor Patrick Vaughn—and he's been secretly dating all of them. On opening night, The Girls discover he's dating them and the lead actress, Phyllis Hammerow. When they confront Patrick during a live stage performance, what else do they learn? Season 2, Episode 19 - "Long Day's Journey Into Marinara" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once slipped into a depression because she was mourning the death of a showbiz chicken. Season 4, Episode 22 - "Sophia's Choice" After taking care of Lillian for a couple of days, The Girls realize that one day they, too, will be elderly and need someone to take care of them. They make a pact. What do they promise to do for each other? Season 1, Episode 20 - "Adult Education" Which Golden Girl had a speech impediment in elementary school and was afraid to speak in class? Season 2, Episode 7 - "Family Affair" Both Dorothy and Rose have individual conversations with their children after finding Michael and Bridget in bed together. Dorothy tells Michael he needs to grow up and accept responsibility. How does the conversation go with Rose and Bridget? Season 4, Episode 5 - "Bang the Drum, Stanley" TRUE OR FALSE: Stan is so cheap that he owns a timeshare dog. Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" Tensions run high when The Girls meet Lorraine's family, the differences between Michael and his fiancée readily apparent. Dorothy says: "Race is not even an issue. Your daughter is twice my son's age. What can a woman in her 40s possibly have in common with a boy in his 20s?" What does Blanche say the commonality is? Season 7, Episode 18 - "Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan" Sophia's brother, Angelo, stops by looking for Dorothy, but Rose is home alone. He tells her his apartment is infested with large bugs due to a previous tenant leaving behind rotting food. Rose believes his situation deserves media attention, highlighting the plight of seniors living in substandard conditions. Why is this bad news for Dorothy? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" When Dorothy's son, Michael, makes a surprise visit, he delivers a two-part bombshell: he's getting married, and his fiancée, Lorraine, is Black. When The Girls meet Lorraine, what else do they discover about her that Dorothy takes issue with? Season 7, Episode 17 - "Questions and Answers" Thrilled to learn that Jeopardy! is auditioning contestants in Miami, Dorothy decides to try out. After acing the general knowledge exam, she's delighted to receive a callback and dives into intensive study to prepare for the show. What book does Rose give her to help her prepare? Season 3, Episode 13 - "The Artist" When Sophia gets pranked at the senior citizens' center by practical joker Maury Hazeltine, she plays tricks on Dorothy to practice her revenge on Maury. Which one of her practical jokes does Dorothy fall for on more than one occasion?