Season 2, Episode 17 - "Bedtime Story" Which Golden Girl is a grumpy patient? Answer Dorothy More trivia questions Season 1, Episode 22 - "Job Hunting" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose's hobbies are cheese-making, stamp collecting, and Viking history. Season 6, Episode 16 - "There Goes the Bride, Part 1" Which Golden Girl once went on a dinner date and was threatened with a lobster by her date's ex-wife? Season 7, Episode 1 - "Hey, Look Me Over" As Rose sorts through her belongings, deciding what to put in storage, she discovers her late husband Charlie's camera with a roll of undeveloped film inside. She believes it contains pictures from his last birthday. When the images come back from development, what do Rose and Dorothy discover? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" Michael's fiancée's family visits the house to apologize for their previous hostility about Michael and Lorraine getting married. During chit-chat, coffee, and cheesecake, Rose accidentally reveals a secret about Michael and Lorraine. What is it? Season 1, Episode 10 - "The Heart Attack" Which Golden Girl made the following statement? "You know, all it takes is one little dessert, and my panties cut off my circulation." Season 2, Episode 25 - "A Piece of Cake" Which Golden Girl once dreamed of being a ballerina? Season 2, Episode 14 - "The Actor" While Patrick Vaughn is in Miami performing at the community playhouse, he secretly dates Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose simultaneously. After an afternoon date with Blanche, he comes to the house and is surprised to see Dorothy and Rose there. Why? Season 2, Episode 24 - "To Catch a Neighbor" Detective Mullins informs The Girls that their new neighbors are criminals, and he believes they'll be making a major move within the next 72 hours. He wants to catch them, but needs their cooperation. What does he ask them? Season 6, Episode 20 - "Even Grandmas Get the Blues" Blanche is auditioning for the role of Kate, the fiery shrew in The Taming of the Shrew. Since she's babysitting, she brings her baby granddaughter, Aurora, to the audition. There, she meets Jason Stillman, who asks her out on a date. What does he think about Blanche and baby Aurora that she doesn't correct him on? Season 1, Episode 4 - "Transplant" Before Blanche's sister, Virginia, comes to visit, Blanche expresses to The Girls how much she hates her. When her sister arrives, they spend time together, but Blanche is skeptical because Virginia is abnormally friendly. What shocking news does she reveal to Blanche? Season 3, Episode 12 - "Charlie's Buddy" Rose tells The Girls she might move to Boston with Buddy Rourke. She says Buddy wants their new home to belong to both of them from the start, so she should give him her half of the money beforehand. This plan makes Dorothy suspicious, so she investigates Buddy. What does she learn about him? Season 5, Episode 12 - "Have Yourself a Very Little Christmas" The Girls volunteer at Rose's church to help serve Christmas dinner to the homeless. As they're serving dinner, they notice a man dressed as Santa Claus standing in line for food. Who is Santa Claus, and why is he there? Season 7, Episode 26 - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (Part 2)" Dorothy tells her fiancé, Lucas, how much she's learned sharing her life with The Girls. She says Sophia taught her that life doesn't end just because you've reached a certain age, and she's more comfortable with her sexuality because of Blanche. What did she learn from Rose? Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" Stan comes over and tells The Girls he's now a rich man. His invention is on TV, and he wants them to see the commercial. He's already sold half a million units at $12.95 each, making him a multi-millionaire.. What is his new invention? Season 3, Episode 5 - "Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself" Why does Rose have a fear of public speaking? Season 7, Episode 15 - "Goodbye, Mr. Gordon" Which Golden Girl, when she's extremely attracted to a man, gets a bad case of the giggles and starts sweating? Season 4, Episode 24 - "Foreign Exchange" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose accused Blanche of greatly exaggerating her sexual escapades because Blanche couldn't master the technique of dirty dancing. Season 4, Episode 4 - "Yokel Hero" Back in St. Olaf, Gretchen Lilyhammer won St. Olaf Woman of the Year because she ran into a burning library and saved all the books. How did she do this? Season 4, Episode 24 - "Foreign Exchange" Dorothy is a nervous wreck after Philomena and Dominic Bosco say there's a possibility she's their biological daughter. They believe Dorothy and their daughter, Gina, were switched at birth. Sophia agrees to go to the hospital for a blood test. What is the result of the test?