Season 2, Episode 11 - "'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas" Which Golden Girl met her husband on Christmas Eve? Answer Blanche More trivia questions Season 5, Episode 20 - "Twice in a Lifetime" Blanche and Rose often have late-night conversations with Sophia. After their talks, Sophia kisses them good night, but only Blanche gets a piece of hard candy. Why doesn't Sophia give candy to Rose? Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" What was Rose's costume for the masquerade ball at the counseling center? (Hint: She was excited about Dorothy being the other half.) Season 4, Episode 4 - "Yokel Hero" After days of traveling to St. Olaf to attend Rose's ceremony for St. Olaf Woman of the Year, Dorothy and Blanche reluctantly admit to Rose that they embellished her biography so she could win. How does Rose respond? Season 7, Episode 6 - "Mother Load" Blanche is dating Miami anchorman Jerry Kennedy, but his overbearing mother disapproves. To address this, they invite her over so Jerry can stand up to her in front of Blanche. Things get heated, and Jerry declares he will love whomever he wants and thanks Blanche for her support. What decision does he make? Season 4, Episode 12 - "The Blind Date" When Rose and Dorothy both come down with the flu, they can't coach their youth football team on the day of the big game. Rose is greatly disappointed because that means they'll have to forfeit. Which Golden Girl steps in to coach even though she doesn't know much about football? Season 3, Episode 20 - "And Ma Makes Three" Dorothy can't bear the thought of going to the Bahamas with her beau, Raymond, without Sophia. She believes her mother needs her company because she's lonely. When Dorothy speaks to Sophia about the Bahamas trip, what does her mother say? Season 5, Episode 4 - "Rose Fights Back" As The Girls reminisce about the first time they shaved their legs, which Golden Girl was surprised to learn that women shave above the knee? Season 2, Episode 15 - "Before and After" When Rose and The Girls clash over her abrupt lifestyle change to live life to the fullest, Rose moves out and into a stylish beachside apartment with two much younger roommates. After getting to know her new roomies and learning they've lived together about a year, Rose is disappointed to find out what? Season 1, Episode 12 - "The Custody Battle" What is the name of Dorothy's wealthy younger sister who lives in California? Season 7, Episode 21 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 2)" On the night of Blanche's Moonlight Madness party, Sophia races against the approaching moonrise to break the Curse of the Strega over Dorothy. To do this, she must complete three tasks, one of which is to reveal the betrayal of a loved one. What does she reveal to Rose? Season 6, Episode 16 - "There Goes the Bride, Part 1" Sophia is unhappy with the idea of Dorothy and Stan remarrying. Blanche suggests a more traditional approach where Stan formally asks Sophia for Dorothy's hand in marriage. They arrange a meeting, and Stan asks Sophia to be his mother-in-law once again. How does she respond? Season 4, Episode 9 - "Scared Straight" Sophia tells Dorothy she dreamed her husband Salvadore spoke to her. I'm sitting in the living room, and the clock strikes 9. Then the bell rings. It's your father in his fedora. He always wore a fedora on Saturday. He walks towards me, reaches out his hand and says, "Sophia, you can come now. There's room for you now." What does this mean to Sophia? Season 7, Episode 7 - "Dateline: Miami" Which Golden Girl went on a blind dinner date with a man who was confronted by his pregnant girlfriend and an ex-boyfriend in the restaurant? Season 6, Episode 2 - "Once, in St. Olaf" While working at the hospital admitting desk, Rose meets Brother Martin, a monk who thinks he recognizes her. He's from St. Olaf, too. As they share their histories, Brother Martin suddenly realizes their pasts are deeply intertwined. How are they connected? Season 6, Episode 19 - "Melodrama" Blanche calls her backup boyfriend if one of her dates cancels. She describes him as "Fred Flintstone with a better car". What is his name? Season 7, Episode 20 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 1)" Which Golden Girl was cursed with the Curse of the Strega by the village witch, Lena Pascerelli, who warned, "Beware the leap year's full moon"? Season 1, Episode 13 - "A Little Romance" As Rose's beau, Dr. Jonathan Newman, is leaving the dinner party, he tells Rose he wants to get together soon because there's something important he wants to discuss with her. What does Rose think it is? Season 3, Episode 24 - "Mister Terrific" Rose excitedly shares that she met Mr. Terrific, the star of Mr. Terrific's Clubhouse, and will be having dinner with him that evening. How did she meet him? Season 4, Episode 11 - "The Auction" Rose says she loves mimes because her Uncle Gustav was a "coal mimer". He had a bad back, but he didn't want to lose his medical benefits at his job. What did he do when he went to work?