The Golden Girls Trivia: Season 1

In the first season of The Golden Girls, we learn a lot about these four mature women like how they met, what they do for a living, and even meet some of their family members. We get to know their distinct personalities as they tackle daily life issues as senior citizens. We tag along on their dates, and we're tickled pink during their humorously entertaining shenanigans. How much do you know about the infancy of this iconic show? See how many of these trivia questions you can answer.

What was the unusual circumstance around how Blanche found out her husband died?

A highway patrolman called her at 2AM and asked if she had a yellow convertible and a husband named George. He put her on hold right before he came back on the line crunching on chips and told her George died in a car accident.
Episode 15 - In a Bed of Rose's

When Blanche brings her wealthy beau Richard home to meet the girls, she abruptly changes her mind because she sees a toilet in the middle of the living room. Why is the toilet there?

Dorothy and Rose are repairing the bathroom, but the toilet is too heavy to move. The plumber who delivered it refused to move it because he didn't think they were capable of installing it because they're women.
Episode 19 - Second Motherhood

The girls go to see Big Daddy sing at a local bar; they have reservations for his second show at 9PM. When they arrive, a waiter tells them Big Daddy isn't performing. What happened?

After his first show, management canceled his booking.
Episode 24 - Big Daddy

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose was not a virgin when she and Charlie got married.

Episode 3 - Rose the Prude

Rose reinforces this in Season 1, Episode 22 - Job Hunting.

Which Golden Girl confesses she's too competitive when it comes to athletics? She had to transfer high schools because of a field hockey incident.

Episode 7 - The Competition

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once dated Eddie Parker, The Aqua Midget. His act was jumping off a step ladder into a gigantic punch bowl.

False. She said she couldn't get seriously involved with anyone in show business.
Episode 11 - Stan's Return

What is Blanche's mother's name?

Elizabeth Ann Bennett
Episode 24 - Big Daddy

In Season 6, Episode 21 - Witness, Blanche says her mother's name is Samantha Roquet.

How many brothers and sisters does Rose have?

Episode 12 - The Custody Battle

Rose reinforces this in Season 4, Episode 3 - The One That Got Away.

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose goes on a cruise to the Bahamas with her new beau Arnie. She hasn't been intimate with anyone since her late husband Charlie, so nothing happens between her and Arnie.

Episode 3 - Rose the Prude

TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche said her hair used to be naturally curly until she had an unfortunate visit to the beauty salon.

False. She was electrocuted as a child and the electricity straighten her hair.
Episode 4 - Transplant
Rose: Why do you hate your sister? That's what I wanna know.
Blanche: Because when she was born, I ceased to exist! I never saw my mama and daddy again.
Rose: Where did they go?
Blanche: They never looked at me again, Rose! She was the adorable one. The gorgeous one. The brilliant one. She sat in my daddy's lap for 16 years. Oh, and she was hateful! You know what she used to do? She used to bite herself on the arm, and then run crying to daddy that I had done it, and he'd punish me. Oh! She got me in trouble all the time! Daddy used to call me the bad seed. Once, she even electrocuted me.
Rose: Oh, no!
Blanche: Oh, yes! It was the day before Christmas, and we were playing, and she jiggled the tree, and the star fell off and broke. So, she told me to pick it up, and put it on my finger. And I did. Then she plugged it in. And wham! My eyes bugged out, my hair shot straight up. I did a crazy rubber dance all over the room. Why, I'm sure my heart even stopped beating for a minute. Then she ran to daddy and told him that I had broken the star and almost electrocuted her! And he sent me to my room for all of Christmas Eve. And told me that baby Jesus was mad at me for ruining his birthday.
Rose: Oh, Blanche, that's horrible!
Blanche: And that's not the worst part. That darn electricity straightened my hair. I used to have curly hair!

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once told Blanche that she could never be real friends with another woman because she's a slut.

False. Dorothy said that to Blanche.
Episode 5 - The Triangle

What is Sophia's nickname for Dorothy?

Episode 9 - Blanche and the Younger Man

TRUE OR FALSE: When Rose's husband Charlie had a heart attack, she had to dress him before the paramedics arrived because he wasn't wearing any clothes.

Episode 10 - The Heart Attack

Which Golden Girl expressed a general discomfort about making love during the day because you can't hide anything?

Episode 14 - That Was No Lady

After years of telling her children that her husband Charlie was a successful businessman, Rose finally reveals the truth to her daughter Kirsten about her father and why there wasn't much left in his will. What was the truth?

Charlie was a good person with a big heart, but as a businessman, he was bad with managing money and didn't leave Rose anything.
Episode 16 - The Truth Will Out

TRUE OR FALSE: After the shocking death of their reverend, who was shot and killed by the husband of the woman with whom he was having an affair, Rose's family left the Protestant church. A week later, they became Lutherans.

Episode 17 - Nice and Easy

Which Golden Girl is a big fan of "Miami Vice" and very knowledgeable on the show's trivia?

Episode 17 - Nice and Easy
Ed: Ok, how 'bout this one. What was the name of the informant who Crockett and Tubbs accidentally set up in the "Cool Runnin'" episode? There's no way!
Rose: That was Noogie, better known on the street as "The Noog Man".
Ed: Rose, you're just incredible on "Miami Vice" trivia! I've never met anyone so smart!
Dorothy: Ed, for a policeman, you've led a very sheltered life.

TRUE OR FALSE: Rose a member of The Cloud Society. She and a few of her friends get together once a month in the park and discuss what the clouds look like.

False. Sophia is a member of this society.
Episode 18 - The Operation

Which Golden Girl said she's afraid of dating wealthy men because she believes rich people think more about money than they do people?

Episode 19 - Second Motherhood

Which Golden Girl said she married a man with money?

Episode 22 - Job Hunting
Dorothy: What happened, Rose?
Rose: They closed the center.
Blanche: Not your grief counseling center?
Dorothy: No, the Kennedy Space Center. She wanted to be the first Lutheran on the moon.
Blanche: Oh! Rose, you're out of a job!
Rose: Well, I can't worry about that now.
Dorothy: Well, sure you can, honey. I'll help you. Food, clothing, shelter.
Rose: Oh, come on, it's not that serious.
Dorothy: Yes, it could be. Rose, you and I are in the same boat. If we miss a couple of paychecks, we are in big trouble.
Blanche: Thank God, I had the foresight to marry money1
Dorothy: Tramp.