Season 1, Episode 9 - "Blanche and the Younger Man" What is Sophia's nickname for Dorothy? Answer Pussycat More trivia questions Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" When Dorothy consoles Stanley about his wife, Chrissy, leaving him, they end up spending the night together. After The Girls find out, Dorothy reassures them it was a one-time event. How does Stanley feel about Dorothy? Season 6, Episode 7 - "Zborn Again" Rose is annoyed with Abby, the new girl at the TV station, who keeps chatting with her all day and stopping her from getting any work done. With a little help from Sophia, Rose tells Abby to back off and leave her alone. When the station manager announces Abby as the new consumer reporter, what does that mean for Rose? Season 5, Episode 13 - "Mary Had a Little Lamb" TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia believes a neighborhood dog named Samson ate her friend Ida Silverman. She saw the dog with Ida's blue scarf, and no one has seen her since. Season 1, Episode 20 - "Adult Education" Rose once said a soda jerk named Nils Felander "attempted" to sexually harass her when she ordered an ice cream sundae. What did Nils do to make Rose feel this way? Season 2, Episode 21 - "Dorothy's Prized Pupil" Rose volunteers to be Blanche's personal servant to make up for losing her earrings (amongst other things), and Blanche takes full advantage. A week later, Blanche's beau, Sam Burns, returns Blanche's earrings and Rose's watch that she left at his place. When Blanche apologizes to Rose, how does Rose respond? Season 1, Episode 22 - "Job Hunting" Dorothy and Blanche try to console Rose about her unsuccessful job hunting attempts, and Dorothy tweaks Rose's resume to help her land a position as a hospital administrator. When Rose returns home the next day, she tells The Girls she landed a job as a what? Season 1, Episode 14 - "That Was No Lady" Rose tells The Girls how she met her husband, Charlie, one summer when she was 7 and he was 8. At the time, he had a sidewalk business stand. What was he selling? Season 1, Episode 25 - "The Way We Met" What movie do The Girls watch that scares them and keeps them up one night talking and eating cheesecake? Season 5, Episode 3 - "The Accurate Conception" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy's father Salvadore wanted her to be a cosmetician in a funeral parlor. Season 7, Episode 17 - "Questions and Answers" After the birth of their first child, Rose received a Dachshund named Rusty from her husband, Charlie. One night, their house caught fire, and Rusty alerted everyone and pulled them to safety. He even saved their cat, Scruffy, whom he disliked. Rusty went into the burning building one last time, but he didn't survive. What did he go in for? Season 4, Episode 9 - "Scared Straight" Rose and Blanche's brother, Clayton, return home together after crossing paths in the park. Blanche asks Clayton about the blind date she sent him on, and he says they weren't suited. When he tries to tell Blanche he's gay, he clams up. What does he tell her instead? Season 4, Episode 7 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 2" What is the address of the house The Girls live in? Season 7, Episode 4 - "That's for Me to Know" Dorothy is compiling a family history for her grandchildren. While sorting through old photographs, she discovers a small black box belonging to Sophia. Its contents have been a secret for years, kept hidden by her mother. What's inside the box? Season 2, Episode 10 - "Love, Rose" Rose is depressed after falling into a dating slump. Dorothy and Blanche convince her to place a personal ad in the newspaper. She doesn't receive a response for weeks, until one day she gushes about a letter from "Isaac Newton." Who is "Isaac Newton"? Season 4, Episode 4 - "Yokel Hero" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose was nominated for St. Olaf Woman of the Year, and she won. Season 3, Episode 1 - "Old Friends" Which Golden Girl said she always wondered about the myth of Black men in the bedroom? Season 1, Episode 17 - "Nice and Easy" Which Golden Girl said the following? "If you've got a stallion eating oats out of your hand, best close the gate before you give him the sugar." Season 5, Episode 8 - "That Old Feeling" Which Golden Girl's mother-in-law hated her so much that, on her deathbed, she wished her daughter-in-law would die from the same disease that killed her? Season 3, Episode 7 - "Strange Bedfellows" What is the name of the city councilman candidate whom Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose support during his campaign?