Season 1, Episode 9 - "Blanche and the Younger Man" What is Sophia's nickname for Dorothy? Answer Pussycat More trivia questions Season 3, Episode 22 - "Rose's Big Adventure" Rose's beau, Al, retires from the deli business and, unfortunately, becomes a boring couch potato. After Rose confronts him about doing more with his life and pursuing his dreams, he makes a bold decision, spending his entire life savings on a boat. What does he ask Rose? Season 5, Episode 19 - "72 Hours" Dorothy and Blanche go to the hospital with Rose for her HIV blood test. Rose is terrified and doesn't want to give her name at the check-in desk. The receptionist encourages her to use an anonymous name. What name does she use? Season 4, Episode 8 - "Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket?" TRUE OR FALSE: When The Girls spend the night at a local homeless shelter in search of their winning lottery ticket, Blanche meets a young man in graduate school who is working undercover at the shelter to achieve his doctorate in sociology. Season 3, Episode 24 - "Mister Terrific" What is Mr. Terrific's slogan on the kids' TV show Mister Terrific's Clubhouse? Season 5, Episode 7 - "Not Another Monday" Following the funeral of her best friend, Martha Lamont treats Sophia to an extravagant dinner, where she expresses her feelings of mortality and declining health. She then invites Sophia to her home the following evening for companionship. Why does she want Sophia there? Season 1, Episode 23 - "Blind Ambitions" The Girls have a yard sale to raise money for a new tv, but they can't part with anything because of its sentimental value. Sophia can't part with her pitcher, Blanche can't separate from her Elvis Presley salt and pepper shakers, and Dorothy refuses to sell her hockey stick. What is Rose's item? Season 4, Episode 4 - "Yokel Hero" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose was nominated for St. Olaf Woman of the Year, and she won. Season 1, Episode 17 - "Nice and Easy" Which Golden Girl said the following? "If you've got a stallion eating oats out of your hand, best close the gate before you give him the sugar." Season 7, Episode 3 - "Beauty and the Beast" Sophia is temporarily in a wheelchair after spraining both of her ankles during dinner one night. How did this injury happen? Season 6, Episode 12 - "Ebbtide's Revenge" The Girls attend Dorothy's brother Phil's funeral service and pay their respects during the viewing. What did Phil request to be buried in? Season 7, Episode 5 - "Where's Charlie?" Before Charlie died, he and Rose agreed on a signal if he wanted to contact her from beyond the grave. What was the signal? Season 3, Episode 1 - "Old Friends" Rose is depressed after her teddy bear, Fernando, goes missing, and Blanche is afraid to admit that she accidentally gave Fernando to Daisy, the Sunshine Cadet. Blanche buys a new teddy bear to pass off to Rose, but to no avail. Why can't Blanche get Fernando back from Daisy? Season 2, Episode 15 - "Before and After" Which Golden Girl said she once dated Tony Bennett? Season 6, Episode 21 - "Witness" When Sophia misplaces her glasses, she stubbornly refuses to buy a new pair, instead reporting them stolen to the police. Luckily, their neighbor, Barbara Weston, finds the glasses and returns them to Sophia. What happened to them? Season 2, Episode 22 - "Diamond in the Rough" Rose excitedly announces she's hired an all-female jazz band called "The Great Pretenders" for the hospital charity banquet. During the banquet, Dorothy notices something odd about the band members. What is it? Season 6, Episode 5 - "Wham, Bam, Thank You Mammy" What's the name of the woman who took care of Blanche when she was little that she refers to as "Mammy"? Blanche said she was devastated when Mammy left suddenly when she was 10 years old. She didn't say goodbye, and Blanche hasn't seen her since. Season 6, Episode 18 - "Older and Wiser" Sophia, believing she's the Activities Director at Cypress Grove, takes the residents on a walk that lasts six hours. Upon their return, Mr. Porter, the owner, reveals the truth: Sophia doesn't actually work there. How does Sophia feel? Season 6, Episode 9 - "Mrs. George Devereaux" Dorothy is overjoyed about receiving two bouquets of flowers. When Rose reads the cards from the senders, she's pleasantly surprised to see they're from celebrities. Who sent Dorothy flowers? Season 2, Episode 17 - "Bedtime Story" Which Golden Girl once dated a clown named Floppo who really did have big feet?