Season 1, Episode 4 - "Transplant" What are the names of Blanche's two sisters? Answer Virginia and Charmaine More trivia questions Season 1, Episode 3 - "Rose the Prude" Why does Sophia like playing cards with Dorothy? Season 4, Episode 5 - "Bang the Drum, Stanley" TRUE OR FALSE: Stan is so cheap that he owns a timeshare dog. Season 4, Episode 7 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 2" Rose told The Girls that a St. Olaf motor coach company built a car called the Fenderhooven Rocket, but it never got off the ground due to bad promotion. She said it was the first car to run on free fuel. How was it powered? Season 6, Episode 26 - "Henny Penny - Straight No Chaser" Despite days of rehearsal for Dorothy's school production of Henny Penny, Rose is appalled upon learning the ending, objecting to its exposure of children to a horror story. Why doesn't she like the ending? Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Break-In" Returning home from a Madonna concert, The Girls are horrified by what they see upon entering the house. What happened? Season 6, Episode 21 - "Witness" TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche is a member of the Daughters of the Old South Heritage Club. Season 1, Episode 18 - "The Operation" Dorothy has a fear of hospitals, but she reluctantly goes after Sophia guilts her into getting needed foot surgery. The night before her operation, Dr. Revell comes to her room to inform her that Dr. Ashton won't be performing her surgery. What happened to Dr. Ashton? Season 2, Episode 6 - "Big Daddy's Little Lady" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy wrote the fight song for her high school. Season 2, Episode 6 - "Big Daddy's Little Lady" When Big Daddy's fiancée, Margaret Spencer, comes to the house, what are The Girls surprised to learn about her? Season 2, Episode 5 - "Isn't It Romantic" TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche's first kiss was in the rain. Season 4, Episode 13 - "The Impotence of Being Ernest" Rose is dating Ernie Faber, a corporate attorney she met at the counseling center. Blanche is convinced something is wrong with him. After dating Ernie for a month, The Girls notice Rose is a little depressed. What does she say is the problem? Season 7, Episode 8 - "The Monkey Show, Part 1" Dorothy is feeling great about her life right now: she's completely separated from Stan, and she and her sister, Gloria, are cultivating a new relationship. To her shock and disappointment, what does she find when she walks into her room one evening? Season 7, Episode 13 - "The Pope's Ring" Blanche has a history of competing with Dorothy for the better gift whenever they give a present to the same person. It's Rose's birthday, and the competition is on. Dorothy is confident that her gift will overshadow Blanche's. What does she give Rose? Season 6, Episode 9 - "Mrs. George Devereaux" Blanche's husband, George, shows up and tells her he faked his own death because he couldn't be married to her anymore. He explains that his business was failing, and he was about to be disgraced. Why did he fake his death? Season 2, Episode 9 - "Joust Between Friends" Why does Dorothy say she hates dogs, but she really loves them? Season 5, Episode 26 - "The President's Coming! Part 2" Which Golden Girl is a member of the Sierra Club, a leading advocate for protecting wild places, wildlife, and the environment? Season 7, Episode 14 - "Old Boyfriends" Blanche's definition of a boyfriend is "any man you bring to a fevered pitch of uncontrollable ecstasy". TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche had 56 boyfriends in one year. Season 3, Episode 2 - "One for the Money" TRUE OR FALSE: When Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose enter a couples charity dance marathon, Rose wins the first prize of $1,000. Season 5, Episode 18 - "An Illegitimate Concern" Dorothy and Sophia enter the Shady Pines Mother-Daughter Beauty Pageant, and one of their acts is a musical performance. What American pop and entertainment duo do they dress as while singing their Billboard Hot 100 song, "I Got You Babe"?