Season 1, Episode 25 - "The Way We Met" Why does Blanche say she prefers not to shower alone? Answer She's scared of the shower scene in the movie Psycho. More trivia questions Season 6, Episode 5 - "Wham, Bam, Thank You Mammy" Which Golden Girl danced with her father to "Tennessee Waltz" on her wedding day? She asked the band to play it twice so she could dance with him as long as possible. Season 6, Episode 7 - "Zborn Again" Asked about the best sex she's ever had, Blanche says it's hard to rate because everyone has different strengths. She considers factors like degree of difficulty, style, and music choice. What else does she consider? Season 5, Episode 6 - "Dancing in the Dark" Rose and Sophia are escorted home by Rose's new love interest and dance partner at the ballroom. What is his name? Season 4, Episode 6 - "Sophia's Wedding, Part 1" Rose is excited when she receives a letter in the mail from the Elvis Presley fan club; she's been approved to run an unauthorized chapter. What is the name of the club? Season 6, Episode 10 - "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Before They Die" Rose decides to practice celibacy to help St. Olaf's crops. Blanche advises her to hide this from her boyfriend Miles and instead use abstinence to make him more attentive and affectionate. What happens between Rose and Miles? Season 3, Episode 15 - "Dorothy's New Friend" When Dorothy tells Barbara Thorndyke about the tension with Blanche and Rose since their new friendship, Barbara invites everyone to The Mortimer Club, one of Miami's exclusive spots. As they're meeting to leave for dinner, Sophia introduces her date, Murray Guttman. What does Barbara discreetly say to Dorothy? Season 7, Episode 18 - "Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan" TRUE OR FALSE: Appalled by Angelo's living conditions, Rose decides to expose the apartment's infestation in a news report. However, the story backfires, and Dorothy is arrested for being a slumlord because she and Stan own the building. Season 6, Episode 13 - "The Bloom Is Off the Rose" Which Golden Girl's boyfriend took her on a date to a thimble museum in the back of a sewing shop? Season 7, Episode 19 - "Journey to the Center of Attention" When Rose and Sophia return home from Doug Kirkpatrick's wake, they both express how much fun they had. Sophia particularly enjoyed the wonderful things people said about him, but sadly, he wasn't alive to hear them. What does this experience inspire Sophia to do? Season 4, Episode 11 - "The Auction" When Sophia tells The Girls that artist Jasper DeKimmel is hospitalized with 2 weeks to live, Blanche informs them that artwork increases in value after an artist dies. She mentions an upcoming auction featuring DeKimmel's work, suggesting they could profit. What do they agree to do? Season 1, Episode 9 - "Blanche and the Younger Man" What is Sophia's nickname for Dorothy? Season 2, Episode 10 - "Love, Rose" Which Golden Girl failed an inkblot test because she cut the shapes out? Season 1, Episode 3 - "Rose the Prude" TRUE OR FALSE: The divorce lawyer was the first person Dorothy slept with after her divorce from Stanley. Season 6, Episode 8 - "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sophia?" Rose gets a letter from her car insurance company saying they're dropping her because of Mr. Nivingston's lawsuit. Blanche believes they can prove he's faking his injury by tricking him into performing "certain acts of a sexual nature". What's her plan? Season 4, Episode 15 - "Valentine's Day" Stuck at a nudist camp hotel until morning, Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose decide to "get buck naked and have a good time." Reaching the dining room nude and nervous, they're surprised when they see the guests. What does the waiter tell them? Season 3, Episode 23 - "Mixed Blessing" While Dorothy voices concerns about the age gap between Michael and his fiancée, Lorraine, Michael assures her that Lorraine's mother approves. However, upon meeting Michael, Lorraine's mother finds herself objecting to a different aspect of their relationship. What is it? Season 2, Episode 16 - "And Then There Was One" Which Golden Girl said the following? "I don't like other people's children in my house. I didn't even like my own children in my house." Season 1, Episode 4 - "Transplant" TRUE OR FALSE: Although Blanche and her sister, Virginia, have never really gotten along, Blanche was an organ donor for her when she needed a kidney transplant. Season 3, Episode 2 - "One for the Money" Sophia is obsessed with money, constantly thinking of new money-making gimmicks to score a quick buck. Why does she want the money?