Season 1, Episode 22 - "Job Hunting" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose had never seen a naked man before she married Charlie. Answer True More trivia questions Season 3, Episode 4 - "The Housekeeper" The Girls are looking for a housekeeper, and Marguerite Brown comes to apply. During the interview, Blanche's beau, Norman, calls and cancels their date. Marguerite gives Blanche a mysterious bottle, saying, "Dab a little behind your ears, and whomever you desire will come to you." What does Rose think is in the bottle? Season 2, Episode 8 - "Vacation" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy and Blanche both slept with Rose's cross-eyed cousin, Nolan, from Ohio—and he was lousy in bed. Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Break-In" After a break-in at their house, a terrified Rose buys a gun. One night, Blanche returns home from a date with her beau, Lester, who accidentally sets off the house alarm. Rose, filled with fear, fires her gun in the dark. What is the result? Season 7, Episode 2 - "The Case of the Libertine Belle" When The Girls join Blanche and her museum co-workers for a murder mystery weekend, Kendall Nesbitt, the Director of Acquisitions, is found lying across Blanche's bed with a steak knife in his chest. TRUE OR FALSE: Blanche was charged and arrested for a real crime that was committed during the murder mystery weekend. Season 4, Episode 12 - "The Blind Date" Blanche cancels a date with John Quinn to go out with Tom Gallagher, a man who constantly stands her up. Dorothy and Rose are shocked she'd dismiss a great guy like John. Blanche says it wouldn't work with John because he's blind, but what is the real reason she's hesitant about dating him? Season 3, Episode 4 - "The Housekeeper" The Girls rehire Marguerite as their housekeeper because they believe she put a curse on them when they fired her. When Marguerite arrives, they give her champagne and a bouquet of flowers. Rose was in charge of buying her a gift: something you would buy for yourself. What does Rose buy? Season 1, Episode 24 - "Big Daddy" What is Blanche's mother's name? Season 4, Episode 8 - "Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket?" TRUE OR FALSE: When The Girls spend the night at a local homeless shelter in search of their winning lottery ticket, Sophia sees a woman she knows from Shady Pines, Ida Perkins. Ida is at the shelter because she can no longer afford to stay at the nursing home. Season 2, Episode 2 - "Ladies of the Evening" When Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are mistakenly arrested for prostitution during a hotel raid, they encounter a group of belligerent women in their jail cell. What does Dorothy say to avoid a fight? Season 5, Episode 9 - "Comedy of Errors" After a failed attempt at replacing the loss of his dog, Rose persists in her attempts to befriend her co-worker, Roger. She bakes him a vanskap kaka, a traditional Swedish treat made with milk, sugar, honey, and "a whole lot of love, and just a drop of sunshine." What does Rose make? Season 3, Episode 10 - "The Audit" After Stan and Dorothy are audited by the IRS due to discrepancies in Stan's tax returns, they owe $5,000. When Stan comes to the house to pick up Dorothy's half of the money, he apologizes to her, saying the whole situation is his fault. He gives her a small box. To Dorothy's surprise, what's inside? Season 7, Episode 13 - "The Pope's Ring" Blanche has a history of competing with Dorothy for the better gift whenever they give a present to the same person. It's Rose's birthday, and the competition is on. Blanche is confident that her gift will overshadow Dorothy's. What does she give Rose? Season 2, Episode 25 - "A Piece of Cake" Which Golden Girl once dreamed of being a ballerina? Season 5, Episode 8 - "That Old Feeling" Which Golden Girl said her husband's family smells their fingers all day after they eat chicken? Season 1, Episode 25 - "The Way We Met" Which Golden Girl owns the house they all live in? Season 2, Episode 1 - "End of the Curse" When The Girls attempt to break into the mink business, they keep 4 minks in the garage to breed for their fur. What does Rose name them? Season 7, Episode 21 - "A Midwinter Night's Dream (Part 2)" While gushing to Dorothy about Derek, the British gentleman she believes is her soulmate, Blanche discovers her grandmother's priceless heirloom necklace is missing. She believes it slipped off earlier that evening. What happened to her necklace? Season 4, Episode 16 - "Two Rode Together" Sophia said she's waited her whole life to ride a particular roller coaster; it's the reason she wanted to go to Disney World. What space-themed indoor attraction does she finally get to experience when Dorothy takes her to Disney World? Season 2, Episode 14 - "The Actor" When Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose learn that Patrick Vaughn has been dating all of them behind their backs, they are furious. Blanche calls him 'slime,' and Dorothy calls him 'pond scum.' Rose calls him gauflugennachon. What does that mean?