Season 1, Episode 20 - "Adult Education" Which Golden Girl was sexually harassed by a man wearing a corset and high heels? Answer Dorothy More trivia questions Season 5, Episode 20 - "Twice in a Lifetime" Rose tells The Girls about Little Yiminy back in St. Olaf, the boy who was raised by a wild moose. What else did the moose do for Little Yiminy? Season 6, Episode 8 - "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sophia?" Rose gets a call from her insurance company. Mr. Nivingston, the guy Blanche rear-ended, is claiming an injured back from the car accident and threatening a lawsuit unless they settle out of court. Why is Rose being sued? Season 6, Episode 9 - "Mrs. George Devereaux" Blanche's secret admirer wants to meet her for lunch, so The Girls go with her for safety. At the restaurant, a waiter directs Blanche to the bar. Rose spots the admirer and remarks on his handsomeness. When Blanche turns to meet him, who is she shocked to see? Season 1, Episode 11 - "Stan's Return" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose once dated Eddie Parker, the Aqua Midget, whose act was jumping off a stepladder into a gigantic punch bowl. Season 6, Episode 7 - "Zborn Again" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose said the best sex she ever had was with her husband, Charlie, the night he had a heart attack during lovemaking. Season 3, Episode 4 - "The Housekeeper" After one week with Marguerite as their housekeeper, Dorothy is underwhelmed with her performance. When Dorothy sees Rose sweeping the kitchen floor, she's outraged that Rose is doing Marguerite's job. Rose says Marguerite has a good excuse for her absence. What was her excuse? Season 2, Episode 4 - "It's a Miserable Life" After The Girls attend Mrs. Claxton's funeral, the funeral director informs them that Mrs. Claxton was accidentally cremated. He gives them her ashes because they paid for the funeral. What does Rose do with Mrs. Claxton's remains? Season 2, Episode 15 - "Before and After" Which Golden Girl said she once dated Tony Bennett? Season 2, Episode 14 - "The Actor" TV actor Patrick Vaughn is in town to perform at the community playhouse. Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose each audition for the role of his leading lady, Josie, but to their dismay, none of them get the part. What local Miami actress lands the role of Josie? Season 5, Episode 26 - "The President's Coming! Part 2" Chosen for the presidential visit, The Girls are excited but nervous about Dorothy confronting him with her list of issues. She says she's going to "let him have it." However, when she meets the president, he surprises her by asking for her suggestions on education. What does she say? Season 4, Episode 20 - "High Anxiety" TRUE OR FALSE: Sophia and Dorothy were once casted as a mother-daughter duo for a nationwide pizza commercial. Season 2, Episode 10 - "Love, Rose" Sophia meets a persistent 90-year-old Englishman named Willie at the senior center who, she claims, is smitten with her and follows her everywhere. He invites her to a dinner reception, where she discovers the reason for his infatuation. What is it? Season 3, Episode 12 - "Charlie's Buddy" TRUE OR FALSE: According to Rose, the only way to get to St. Gustav, a neighboring city to St. Olaf, is by horse. Season 6, Episode 3 - "If at Last You Do Succeed" The Girls decide with a secret ballot that Blanche and Rose should split the money from the St. Olaf war bonds. But when Rose calls St. Olaf about it, they tell her cashing them would totally bankrupt the town. How does Blanche feel about this news? Season 2, Episode 13 - "The Stan Who Came to Dinner" TRUE OR FALSE: Rose drives the bookmobile for the grief counseling center where she works. Season 3, Episode 12 - "Charlie's Buddy" After a month of shopping for an evening gown to wear to the museum banquet, Dorothy finally finds the perfect dress. Unfortunately, when Blanche reveals the dress she's wearing, The Girls now have a dilemma. What is it? Season 1, Episode 6 - "On Golden Girls" When Blanche's grandson, David, stays with The Girls, he gets slapped by Sophia for being disrespectful, is given household chores by Blanche, and listens to Rose's stories about handicapped farm animals. TRUE OR FALSE: He asks The Girls if he can live with them full-time. Season 3, Episode 11 - "Three On a Couch" Rushing home from the beauty salon to finish getting ready for a double date with Dorothy, Blanche finds Dorothy lying on the couch with a fever and body aches. When Dorothy says she can't go on the date, how does Blanche respond? Season 7, Episode 3 - "Beauty and the Beast" Sophia is temporarily in a wheelchair after spraining both of her ankles during dinner one night. How did this injury happen?