Season 1, Episode 17 - "Nice and Easy" What furry little household pest did The Girls once experience in their home? Answer A mouse More trivia questions Season 5, Episode 7 - "Not Another Monday" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are babysitting for a couple who attends Rose's church. The baby is sick with an ear infection, and he won't stop crying. Rose suggests they sing to him to help him go to sleep. What song do they sing? Season 2, Episode 18 - "Forgive Me, Father" When Dorothy goes to talk to Father Leahy in hopes of convincing him not to leave the priesthood, he corrects her by explaining that he is leaving his current church to become a teaching priest at another church. Why does Dorothy think he is leaving the priesthood? Season 6, Episode 14 - "Sisters of the Bride" When Rose confirms The Girls' Volunteer Vanguard Award banquet reservations, she's told her ticket is free, leading her to believe she's won the award. However, during the banquet, it's announced that the posthumous winner is Agnes Bradshaw. Why do they want Rose there? Season 6, Episode 16 - "There Goes the Bride, Part 1" Sophia is unhappy with the idea of Dorothy and Stan remarrying. Blanche suggests a more traditional approach where Stan formally asks Sophia for Dorothy's hand in marriage. They arrange a meeting, and Stan asks Sophia to be his mother-in-law once again. How does she respond? Season 6, Episode 21 - "Witness" The Girls attend the Daughters of the Old South initiation banquet to support Blanche. Rose unknowingly confides in her date, Karl, that Miles has returned and is staying with her. Unbeknownst to Rose, Karl is actually The Cheeseman, the gangster who's looking for Miles. What happens when they return home from the banquet? Season 7, Episode 6 - "Mother Load" Stan, Dorothy's ex-husband, is in therapy and wants her to join a session with his psychiatrist, Dr. Halperin, to help him resolve his lingering attachment to her and get closure. Dorothy is hesitant, convinced he's using this as a way to get her back. When she attends one of his sessions, what does Stan say the doctor? Season 2, Episode 15 - "Before and After" When Rose and The Girls clash over her abrupt lifestyle change to live life to the fullest, Rose moves out and into a stylish beachside apartment with two much younger roommates. After getting to know her new roomies and learning they've lived together about a year, Rose is disappointed to find out what? Season 1, Episode 15 - "In a Bed of Rose's" Which Golden Girl said the following? "Isn't it interesting how the sounds are the same for awful nightmares and great sex?" Season 1, Episode 23 - "Blind Ambitions" After spending some time in Miami, Rose's blind sister, Lily, returns to Chicago, but Rose is concerned about her well-being. When she visits Lily 2 months later, what is she pleasantly surprised to see when she arrives at the airport? Season 7, Episode 19 - "Journey to the Center of Attention" TRUE OR FALSE: Dorothy and Blanche agree to alternate nights at The Rusty Anchor so they don't have to share the male attention. Season 6, Episode 18 - "Older and Wiser" Blanche and Rose are delighted when a photographer chooses them for a Pennysaver ad featuring Blanche's face and Rose's hands. However, they're horrified when they receive an advance copy of the ad in the mail. What is it for? Season 1, Episode 18 - "The Operation" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose enroll in tap-dancing lessons. Unfortunately, Dorothy begins experiencing pain in her foot after class one day. When she goes to the doctor to get her foot examined, what does he tell her? Season 1, Episode 7 - "The Competition" Blanche is dumped twice as a partner for the doubles bowling tournament—first by Rose and then by Olga Nielsen. Who agrees to be Blanche's partner for the tournament? Season 4, Episode 15 - "Valentine's Day" Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are at the pharmacy picking up last-minute items for their cruise in the Bahamas with their gentlemen friends. What does Blanche suggest they purchase, but Dorothy and Rose are too embarrassed to buy? Season 4, Episode 14 - "Love Me Tender" Which Golden Girl betrayed a friend's confidence because she was threatened with being tickled? Season 4, Episode 10 - "Stan Takes a Wife" When Sophia is rushed to the hospital for pneumonia, Dorothy spends the night in the waiting room, and Stan keeps her company. Dorothy is sincerely moved by his support, and says spending time with him made her realize something. What is it? Season 1, Episode 1 - "Pilot (The Golden Girls)" What is the name of The Girls' cook featured in the pilot episode? Season 7, Episode 13 - "The Pope's Ring" When Blanche hires a detective to follow Miles to see if he's cheating on Rose, Rose is initially against the idea. What makes her reconsider and allow the detective to do his job? Season 3, Episode 25 - "Mother's Day" One Mother's Day, Rose encountered a woman at a bus station, sharing laughter and conversation as they waited. The woman had run away from her retirement home to visit her daughter's grave. When a sheriff approaches her to take her home, what does Rose do?