Season 3, Episode 10 - "The Audit"

While reviewing Stan's tax return, Dorothy discovers he made bad investments with their money without her knowledge and hid a very expensive purchase from her. What did he buy?

A Corvette. He stored it in a rented garage.
Dorothy: Stanley, what are all these deductions for a Corvette and a rented garage?
Stan: Dorothy, don't get mad, and don't hit me if you do. I kind of bought a Corvette without telling you.
Dorothy: You bought a car without telling me?
Stan: I couldn't help myself. I was going through a midlife crisis.
Dorothy: So was I. I gave myself a perm and took up jazzercise. You bought a car without telling me!?
Stan: How can I explain it? When I sat behind the wheel, people noticed me. People paid attention. That car was a chick magnet!
Dorothy: That is it, Stanley! That's it! Get out! Get out! Get out of my house! Get out of my life!
Stan: Dorothy, what about the audit? We could get into a lot of trouble here. We could even wind up in jail.
Dorothy: Good. Good. I want you to go jail, and I want a big, bald convict named Bubba to pick you for his girlfriend.
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